day XXXI

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Dear David,

I'm still in shock over what happened this afternoon. I cannot believe that you're conscious again or that my name was the first thing you said when you woke up! It's amazing that you're awake finally! I can't believe that you woke up while I was reading some of the letters that I wrote to you either. You're finally awake and you're watching me write this in the little black book that has all of the letters. I'm going to let you read all of the letters yourself tomorrow when I finish this one and I'm going to write something at the end of this letter for your eyes only.

Eric and Alfred don't even know that you're awake now because they had went to nursery together this morning. Kathleen is over the moon that you're awake because you're healthy but you can't leave the hospital her because you don't know how to transfer into a wheelchair, how to transfer out of it, and a lot of other stuff. You don't even remember much of the car crash because of the concussion so I think that reading these letters are going to help you a lot to figure out what happened to you.

I can't believe that you're awake and you're looking at me writing, asking so many questions. This letter is the second longest for the time taking to write it but I'm so happy. We can pull the life support plug because you're awake. You've already complained about the catheter twice. I love you so much, David.


P.S. Would you be my boyfriend?

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