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    Dear David,

    The doctors are saying that we can bring you home to my house to spend tomorrow if the night goes well for you. I've already told Eric and Alfred about it and they are so excited. You'll be laying in my bed all day thought but all of the life support that you are hooked up to is able to be transported in an ambulance. A nurse is going to spend the day with us tomorrow as well so your medical stuff can be taken care of still. Kathleen can't wait to see you out of the hospital even if its only for a day because she thinks you could regain consciousness being at my house and in my bed.

    Your dog, Bert, has been looking around for you for the last week because I guess that your scent must be on us whenever we come home from seeing you. It breaks my heart whenever he does that and he's been doing it every evening since your mum started living in my house because she had been taking care of him. He's been getting along well with my three dogs and they're currently asleep on my bed as I write this. I think that Bert is able to recognize your name because he is usually always watches me write my letters to you in this book. He always puts his little head in my lap whenever I write in this, David. Does he do this to you whenever you're writing a new children's book? He's such a sweet little dog and I might have to steal him from you, David.

    I hope that you do wake up soon, David, and I think I will let you read these letter when you do because of the feelings for you that I've expressed in them.


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