day XIV

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    Dear David,

    We got the news this morning. Your lungs are filled with some sort of liquid and the doctors are saying that it's a lung infection because you had blood in your lungs after the accident. They put you on a medicine to help with the infection but you're touch and go right now. The doctors are holding their breath about what to tell us if you'll get better or not. I'm hoping that you do, David. I'm not sure what I would do without you.

    Kathleen and I told Alfred and Eric what we think might happen to prepare them if you don't make it. Kathleen thinks that you're going to pass away because the doctors are thinking that you can't fight the infection because of how weak you already were before it. The doctors are going to put something into your side that goes into your lungs to drain the fluid to try and speed the process of you recovering. They've already brought you into emergency surgery now and Kathleen, Eric, and Alfred are all in tears.

    I feel like I'm going to cry at any minute but I haven't and I don't know why. I should be crying but for some reason I think that you might pull through this, David and I hoping that I'm right. Its been two weeks since the car crash and you're still not better, unlike what we had hoped. Kathleen and I had wanted you home by now, even if your life is completely different.

    I'm willing to change my life to help care for you if you live, David. I love you.


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