day XXII

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Dear David,

I keep thinking that your condition has gotten worse over night and I keep checking my phone even though I would have been called if you really had worsened over night. It's odd that I keep doing that because it's something that I do whenever we are having a text conversation and I'm waiting for you to respond to the text I sent. I haven't gone to the hospital yet to visit you but I know that Kathleen and the boys and Alesha and Amanda are with you for the morning. I'm going to go see you in the afternoon instead after Kathleen takes the boys somewhere.

I'm the one that's always there for your enemas and sponge baths so Alfred and Eric can't see what's happening to you because they are too young. Kathleen and I have agreed on that so they won't see anything that they shouldn't be, like your cock or you shitting yourself during the enemas.

I don't like being by myself in my house without someone in it with me. I want you to be by my side right now, David, laying in bed with me. Hopefully you'll be able to do that with me if you wake up sometime soon because if you do, you'll be staying at my house until your house is modified for your wheelchair. I want you to wake up, David, not just so you can live with me but so we can be boyfriends. I love you, David.


dear david | damon ✓Where stories live. Discover now