day XXIV

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    Dear David,

    You’re starting to slowly get better but you’re still in bad condition. The doctor’s have moved you off of the high dependency unit again because your lungs are looking better and because you’re almost out of the woods but I’m hoping that I don’t jinx it. I’ve just realized that it’s seven days before Kathleen and I have to tell the doctors taking care of you what we want to do with you. You’re not exactly suffering but you’re not very comfortable right now. You’re in the coma so we can’t ask you if you would want to go off of life support but it seems almost cruel to do it to you from my view. I want you to live, David, but I also want to see you comfortable, and so does Kathleen. Making the decision has been awful but last night we decided that it would be best to take you off of life support on November first. I’m not looking forward to Halloween now and taking my son trick-or-treating this year because I know that by the next night, you’ll have passed away in your coma because we pulled the life support plug.

    Kathleen and I haven’t told Alfred or Eric yet but I think we might just tell them that your lungs gave out so your heart gave out in the end and you passed away in your sleep. I don’t want to lie to them about this and I want to see you awake, David. Maybe I’ll start reading my letters aloud to you in a couple of days because I’ve discovered that you are hearing things because you always seem to smile when someone is talking to you directly when they are alone or when your mother whispers in your ear about strength and fighting. I love you, David.



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