day XV

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Dear David,

You're not much better than you were yesterday. If anything you seem worse than yesterday because your skin is starting to turn a bluish shade. The doctors are now worried that your lungs are failing because of you having a lung infection. We were going to bring you home to my house again two days ago to be with us but that didn't happen because of your breathing. I didn't tell you about it because I hadn't found it important with the matters at hand.

Kathleen is even more devastated that your lungs could be failing. She and I cried this morning before we went to see you and we managed to comfort each other in my bed. She had seen me crying while sitting on my bed and that had set her off crying so she came in and we just hugged each other until we both eventually stopped. Eric and Alfred came into my room last night to ask about you and they both started crying so I ended up cuddling them both and we slept like that. Kathleen took a picture of it and I'll show you if you ever wake up.

Alfred has taken a liking to me but he still misses you, David. We all miss you and we aren't sure what we would do if we have to pull your life support plug on November first. Kathleen and I both don't want to do it but we both don't want to see you suffer any longer if you don't get better by the end of the month. I love you, David.


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