"It's crazy that something so dark can be so beautiful."

My eyes made there way back up to the sky, the statement being very true nonetheless.

"Yeah, that's true for many things, not just the sky." I muttered, standing up and slipping my heels back on.

I began to make my way back into the home until Klaus grabbed my hand, swinging me right into his rock-hard chest.

He observed my face attentively, "Come with me, I'd like to show you something."

"Oka-" but before I could even oblige my feet were swept from the ground and I was in a room.

Paintings beyond paintings covered the white walls. Each held a new and different meaning then the next. I stared in awe as I took in the beautiful pieces.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so interested in art?" I questioned, turning to see him looking at me once again.

Klaus nodded, "As a child I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life, provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way".

He spoke with such passion and that intrigued me, I wanted to know more and more about this man.

"You are a pure masterpiece, I would love to paint you someday, if you'll let me." Klaus continued, speaking slowly as he glanced away for a moment.

I snapped out of the moment we were clearly in and shook my head, "What is this, the kindness you're speaking to me with? What did I do to deserve it?"

I snapped out of the moment we were clearly in and shook my head, "What is this, the kindness you're speaking to me with?  What did I do to deserve it?"

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My mind caught up to itself and none of this was making sense. What could the reason be for his sudden care for me, was there an intention?

"I fancy you deeply Mack, don't you see that?" He stated, sauntering closer to me. My heart jumped as I heard those words come from his mouth, especially him calling me 'Mack'.

"Y-you know we can't. I'm with Damon!" I scolded, my eyes widening slightly. I couldn't. We couldn't. Why would it even be an option to him, I'm with somebody else.

A confused expression filled Klaus' face, "I'm sorry love, I just assumed after what Damon said t—" he began and cut himself off as he sucked in a breath.

Excuse me?

"What? What did Damon say?" I quickly asked, crossing my arms.

He ran a hand through his curly golden locks, "I—nothing you need to talk to Damon."

Anger surged through my entire body, because there was something I wasn't informed about. Secrets. The one thing Damon is great at let's add.

"I've got to go," I seethed through my locked jaw.

Before Klaus could even attempt to say anything else I stomped out of the quiet room and made myself back towards the party

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Before Klaus could even attempt to say anything else I stomped out of the quiet room and made myself back towards the party.

I began to walk up the steep stairs when a drunk younger women's champagne spilled all over my dress. Fûcking great.

She gasped, and started giggling at the mess. "Come with me right now." I snapped, staring into her glazed eyes. Her flimsy body was fairly easy to drag up the staircase.

We made our way to a vacant hallway and I slammed her drunken body to the wall. My behavior lately has been one thing, boring. I'm not the shameful person that is going to feel bad for every single thing I do.

I'm a vampire, I can kill anyone and have power over all of these petty humans. So when someone thinks it's funny to spill their drink on me, there are consequences.

"Don't scream or move," I compelled again, putting her orange hair to the side, revealing her bare neck. Mmm it's been so long since I've had blood from the vein.

My fangs immediately found their way into her soft flesh.

Her thick delicious blood oozing down my throat

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Her thick delicious blood oozing down my throat. It felt as if it was my first time all over again. The wonderful taste making its way through my lips.

She fell in my arms and I released my teeth from her vein. Not dead. "Forget this and leave." I demanded.

Without a glance she walked down the steps, a little shaky but still breathing

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Without a glance she walked down the steps, a little shaky but still breathing.

I smiled to myself as I made my way through the hallway, looking for where Damon had gone.  Him and I had to have a little chat...

  Him and I had to have a little chat

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Shoutout to Esthefanyarodriguez, elaramora, theunicornnanedemmy, thank you for the wonderful comments you all are my spirit animals and I love you 😂❤️

Hi lovelies!!! So yes I know Mackenzie looks like a little hoe throughout this story but what do you want her to be, with only one guy c'mon that'd be boring... but no on a serious note Elena has always gone before her so she tends to cling onto whoever gives her affection at the time.  Thank you for reading please vote & if you comment I'll shout you out at the end of the next chapter!

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