Chapter Ninteen: Happy Birthday Jensen

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Chapter Nineteen: Happy Birthday Jensen

Cale's POV:

Where the hell is Dr. Pond???? I kept thinking to myself. Dallas is in so much pain and I hope that Dr. Pond has something to give her for the pain.

"Baby he will be here soon, just hang on."

"It hurts so bad Cale."

"I know baby, just hold on." I could feel some of the pain that she was in and the pain was severe.

"Mother, is she doing okay? I mean should she be in this much pain?"

"Honey, she is in labor. Trust me, labor is a hard thing to go through; but it’s so worth it in the end."

" survive this?" My baby was finally able to get out.

My Mother came around and got on the bed and came over next to her.

"I know it hurts Dallas. I survived this by thinking that I will have my son in my arms any minute. And you need to breathe, so stop holding your breath and breathe."

Dallas started doing what my Mother told her to do. The door burst open and Mason and Dr. Pond came in. And Dr. Pond came up to Dallas.

"Alright Dallas, I need you to pull your legs up to your chest as far as you can. I know that it is going to hurt, but you need to. Cale, please take her right leg and Mary her left leg please."

We all did as we were told. "I know Dallas, that you are probably in serious pain; but being a she-wolf no pain medication in the world will help the pain. You would just burn it off, so you are going to have to do this natural.

Holy shit she has to do this without pain medication? The women in this world; she-wolf or just a human are defiantly stronger than us males. It hurts me to say that but it is the god's honest truth.

 He hooked her up to two different machines and put an I.V. in her arm. I had no idea it took this many things to have a child.

Dallas's POV:

What the hell is he talking about? I have to push my son out of me without any pain medication? I am going to die before Jensen makes his appearance.

"Cale.....what babies shower?"

He just laughed and kissed me on the forehead. "Well baby, we will have our son so all of our friends and love ones will be able to meet him."

I guess he is right. I am actually glad that Jensen will be here for everyone to meet. But don't get me wrong, I am going to be a very over-protective mom.

"Alright Dallas, you are ready to push so when you feel a contraction coming that is when you need to push. The machine right here will let us all know when your contraction starts."

I just want him out of me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed in my head. I could feel the pressure of the contraction coming.

"Now Dallas, start to push. Mary count her to ten, at ten stop pushing Dallas."

I was pushing with everything inside me. I couldn't help but scream and cry because the pain was so much. I could hear sweet little remarks that Cale was saying. I know he meant well but right now I would rather have him just shut up.

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