Chapter Fourteen: What To Do

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I am so sorry for the long wait between uploads. I just got a new job and I have been so busy I feel as though I have lost my brain. I hope I have not let any of you guys down. I promise it will never take me this long ever again to up load any of my stories. I hope you enjoy, I have made it longer since I made you guys wait so long for the next chapter.



Chapter Fourteen: What To Do

Dallas's POV:

I woke up and looked up to see Cale still asleep with his arms around me. How could I have ever thought that he would cheat on me or hurt me? I now know that he truly does love me, and I was going to show him just how much I love him.

I decided to let him sleep and go and take a nice hot bath. Even though I took a shower last night, I felt gross and unclean. I started the bath, and put in my favorite bubble bath, and sat on the toilet while the tub filled. How could I have gotten so lucky? I thought after I lost my parents and Jensen, that there was no way I would ever be happy ever again. Cale and his pack have showed me that I was truly wrong, I am happier now then I have ever been. I couldn't help but smile, at the thought of becoming a mother and a wife. I pulled off the shirt that Cale put on me last night and sat in the warm water.

I grabbed my favorite body wash and luffa and lathered it up. I have always loved baths; I remember when I was younger I would grab a book and sit in the bath while I read, and I would be in there till the water went cold. I could smell my body wash as I ran it under my chin, the scent always seemed to calm me down.

"Can I wash your back?"

I looked up and saw Cale standing in the door way with a grin on his face. "Yes please."

He pulled his boxers off and climbed in behind me. He took the luffa and washed my back, and then washed my stomach.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me Dallas."

He laid back and he pulled me with him, we sat like that for about thirty minutes and Cale said that he had some pack business to attend too. I got dressed and headed down the stairs, and found Mary in the kitchen.

"Good morning Mary."

"Good morning honey. Would you like some breakfast?"

"I would love some thank you." I sat down at the counter and Mary put in front of me an egg white omelet.

"Mary this looks amazing."

"Well eat up. You have to keep up your strength."

I smiled and ate the breakfast that was made for me. It was Sunday and I didn't really want to be kept inside all day. I helped Mary with the dishes and put away the food.

"Mary, would it be alright if I go and spend my day at the beach?" I would really like to just sit and read a good book.

"I wish I could tell you yes, but that is a matter that you must speak to Cale about."

"Right, well I will go ask him."

I put my mind link down.

'Cale I would like to go and spend my day down at the beach. Is that alright with you?'

'Of course my love, I will have Mason come and walk you over.'

'Thank you Cale.'

I was sitting waiting for Mason in the living room. About twenty minutes later Mason finally showed up and escorted me to the beach. I felt as though I was a prisoner or something, because I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without protection.

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