Chapter Twenty One: Not Again

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Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to this story. I had some personal things that I needed to work through before I could start up again. But to all my readers, thank you so much for your patience and the votes and comments, so I know that you all are wanting more. I really do appreciate it.

This chapter is also dedicated to ToshibaGold for my amazing new cover for To Love Again.


Chapter Twenty One: Not Again

Dallas's POV:

Six Weeks Later:

The past few weeks have been like clockwork. I put Jensen down to bed at about 9:00 p.m. and headed to bed myself and then about two hours later he cries; so I get up and I go and feed him or change him and put him back to bed. Then I go back to sleep for a few hours and the next time he wakes up and cries, Cale goes and takes care of him.

We have gotten really good at the routine. During the day when he was napping was when I got my school work done. It was easier than I had thought it would be; being a mom and a student.

Jensen was getting so big, and every day he was looking more and more like his daddy. I had no idea if that was a bad thing or a good thing.

Just a few days ago, Cale gave me less body guards, which I was extremely happy about. I know that in the back of his mind that he is worried about the Sapphire pack and them wanting to kidnap me, but I have been able to go running with my wolf, and Mason has taught me some mean fighting skills.

I was in Cale's office doing some homework, when I heard Jensen cry. I just smiled and got up and headed up to his nursery. I walked over to his crib and there was my beautiful boy with a huge smile on his face with no signs of tears.

I leaned down and picked him up and put him in my arms. "You are way too young to learn how to get a woman's attention, you little stinker."

He just giggled, he has been giggling for the last two weeks now, and I could not help but laugh when he giggled.

I walked downstairs with Jensen in my arms and went back in to do my homework. I put him in a little jumpy swing that he would just go crazy in.

I had not seen Cale around much lately, because he is making sure that our pack boarders are secure and that no one will be able to get past them. More guards have been stationed on the boarders as well. Cale would get home late at night and would be gone before I woke up. But lately I have not seen or heard from him at all. He was also not spending any time with Jensen, besides getting up with him at night. I was starting to feel like a single mom.

Come to think about it, I have not seen or heard from Cale, Mason, Emily, Jace, or Carson. I wonder where they have been. You see when Emily and Jace found their mates here is Oregon, they decided to leave their families in Montana and become a part of my pack family.

After I was done with my homework, which thank god, I am finally done with school for the summer, I picked up Jensen out of the swing and went into the kitchen to get a snack. When I walked in I looked out the sliding door and noticed Mary was sitting in a chair reading a book. I opened the door and walked outside.

"Good afternoon Mary."

She looked up at me with a smile. "Well hello to two of my most favorite people in the world."

"Mary have you seen or heard anything from Cale?'

"I am sorry honey I have not."

"I am getting really worried about him. Does he do this a lot?"

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