Chapter 4- Platform 9 3/4 And Sorting

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Double The Trouble Chapter 4



I was awoken by my owl Snow as she flew into the living room with a letter and a small package.

"Hey girl. You're just in time. We leave soon." I rubbed her head softly as I opened the letter first.

Dear Ashton,

Have fun at Hogwarts. See you there.


Who is R.J.L? I thought as I opened the package. I gasped at the small gift. It was a charm bracelet with a wolf and a broomstick charm on it.

"Who gave you that?" Kaden asked as she came into the living room completely dressed.

"Someone called R.J.L." I shrugged.

"Let me see," Kaden snatched it out of my hand. She waved her wand over it for a few minutes, probably to check for any curses or charms. "It's clean." She threw back to me and I put it on.

"Morning Ashton. You and Jaden should get dressed. Go ahead. We leave in thirty minutes so you lot can run through the wall." Aaron said and I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom, or "loo" in British terms.

When I finished my shower, Jaden went in after me. I put my pajamas into my trunk, taking out my writing notebook, I Know Why A Caged Bird Sings by my favorite poet Maya Angelou, pens, pencils, my robes and a Muggle cassette player. It plays music. I don't really understand how but it does. I listen to all Muggle songs on it. I put all of those things into a small bag that would be my school bag for the year.

"Are you ready? Where's Jaden?" Kaden asked.

"Coming now." I said as I put Snow into her cage. Jaden came out of the bathroom and put her white, fluffy cat named Colour into its carrier and grabbed her small bag that had a sketch book, book, her robes and Muggle cassette player.

"We're ready." Jaden said.

"Let's go." Aaron carried one trunk out of the flat. Kaden followed with her small carry-on bags and a trunk as Jaden and I balanced Snow and Colour on top of the one remaining trunk with our bags on our backs. We carried the trunk down the two flights of stairs with difficulty.

"Great job girls, but you could have used magic. The Ministry has put Undetectable charms all around this flat since a lot of Muggleborns live here," Aaron laughed as he took the trunk and put it into the trunk of his car he rarely uses. "Stop glaring at me and get in."

Jaden and I got into the car grumbling how much of an ass Aaron is. We drove to King's Cross Station in silence. My nerves grew during the ride. We'd be the only new older students at the school. The only time new students come is first year. If you don't come first year, you don't go. And we're coming in fifth year.

"Hurry. It's 10:50. The train leaves for 11," Kaden said. We quickly grabbed trolleys and put the trunks on them. We ran for the platform with Muggles staring at Snow and us. "Run through, Jaden. Then Ashton."

Jaden looked around before running through the wall of platform 9. She vanished in a matter of seconds. I took a deep breath and ran through with my eyes closed. When I opened them, I was on Platform 9 3/4.

"Wicked," I smiled and wheeled my trolley to the luggage man. "Should I just leave it with you or take it with me?"

"Leave it with me, miss. I just told you. But take the owl. Go on." He sighed. I grabbed Snow and my bag and left the trunk with.

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