Respect (Ben Bruce)

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You and Ben had been dating for two years and you were on your with his band, Asking Alexandria. They were doing an interview with a guy named Bryan Stars. You were back in the bus because you were tired and cold. You grabbed one of Ben's hoodies and made your way outside.
    "So you aren't available?"
You heard the interviewer ask.
    "Now, I didn't say that."
You heard Ben say.
  Your heart dropped. You stayed back and listened to more of the conversation. You felt a tear run down your cheeks. He had no respect for you or your relationship. He hadn't been with another girl since you had been there but you couldn't believe that he would cheat. You went back inside and sat in the bunk you had, not the one that you and Ben shared. You let the tears fall freely from your eyes. You quickly raced to the bathroom when you heard Ben and Danny's voice float through the bus. You quickly wash your face and fix your makeup. You then pack it up and shove it under your arm. Ben looked up from what he was doing when he saw you packing your things. He rushed over to you.
    "Hey, what are you doing?"
He asked panicked, as he tried to stop you by holding your wrists lightly.
  You yanked them away and pushed his chest.
    "You asshole! When were you going to tell me that you have been cheating on me?"
You scream.
  His face falls. That's when you knew it was true. He had cheated and never planned on telling you ever. You shake your head and start packing your stuff again. You could barely see through the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.
    "Baby, please don't leave. It was one time, I wanted to make it seem like there was more because I wanted to sound cool. Yes, I'm a dumbass and deserve for you to leave me but I can't take it. I don't know what I would do if you left."
He cries, falling to his knees.
  You chuckle emotionlessly and shake your head.
     "You shouldn't have said it you Dick. It's going to take a lot to keep me from leaving and you just aren't saying what I want you to say to make this entire thing better. I can't spend my life with someone I don't know if they are going to cheat on me when they go on tour or not."
You say.
  He shakes his head and stands up. He wraps his arms around you and buried his face into your neck.
    "You can't go. I won't let you go."
He cries.
  You looked past his shoulder. You could see Sam watching the scene unfold. He walks over and slowly pulls Ben away from you as you pull away. He was screaming and crying and it killed you but you knew that you couldn't stay. You had to go, he had to see what it would be like to lose you. You would go back to your home and stay until the tour is over. When Ben gets back home, that is when you will talk things over with him and make things better.
    "Take care of him."
You whisper to Sam as you past by.
  He nodded and mouthed for you to call him later so that you could explain. You make your way to the airport in a cab and get the first ticket for (your home state) and sat down to wait for the plane.
  The tour ends today and Ben will be home tomorrow. The boys say that he had quit drinking and drugs. They said that he had become straight edge and that they have heard him begging to be able to get you back. Danny had called and told you that it was his idea and that he pushed Ben to doing it. You were a little upset with his decision to push Ben to do it but you forgave him and remained friends with him. You finished cleaning up the house from where the dogs had made a mess with their toys. You did other cleaning for the rest of the day and you finally had gotten sleepy. You woke early the next morning because you were nervous. You didn't know how Ben was going to react when he saw you there to pick him up instead of his friend, Matt Good. You got dressed and made your way to the airport. You had a sign with Ben's name and you waited outside the turmoil of his flight. You watched in excitement as the plane touched down on the outside of the glass that was beside you. You bite your lip as people started pouring through the doors. You kept an eye out for Ben's shaggy hair and skinny jeans. You saw him and he was looking around as well. His eyes widened and he dropped his bags and ran as fast as he could towards me. You dropped the sign you were holding when he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. You could feel his tears on your shoulder as yours raced down your cheeks.
    "I thought that you were going to be gone when I got here. What made you stay?"
He says, sniffling.
    "You made me stay. I love you and everyone makes mistakes at one point in there life. As long as it doesn't happen again, I will be able to get over it slowly. It is going to require a lot of work from the both of us. Also, I want you to get tested. I know we have probably been together since then but I just want to make sure."
You say.
  He nods and we walk to pick his bags up. He tangles his fingers in yours and you make your way to your jeep. You help him pack his things into to the back and climb into the passenger side. Ben had insisted on driving. You ended up at one of your favorite restaurants and you were happy that he had remembered. You couldn't hide your happiness when he dropped onto one knee in front of everyone and asked you to marry him and become his Mrs. Bruce.

This is dedicated to pierce_the_girl thanks for the support 😊

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