Asking Alexandria Preference

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How you met...

  You were getting drumsticks for your cousin who played drums and you two literally bumped into each other dropping everything. You two ended up with each other's phones. Luckily, the two of you didn't have a passcode on your phone. So you called your phone and you two immediately agreed to meet up later in the day to switch back phones. Once you got there, he made it to where he would only give your phone back if you gave him your phone number. You agreed and here you two are now. Engaged and getting married in a few months.

  You worked at a music shop and he came in needing something fixed on his guitar. He flirted the entire time and eventually ended up asking you out for coffee later that day. Once you went for coffee, he asked for your number. That was nearly two years ago and your relationship is growing strong and the two of you are engaged and planning a wedding. You also plan on having a baby in the future. Cam loves to play with your (niece/nephew/cousin) all the time.

  You were their merch girl and also Danny's cousin. When Danny left, you decided to stay because you had a small crush on Sam. When Danny found out that you were staying, you and him got into a huge fight. That was when the truth came out and you told everyone that you liked Sam. From that day on, you two were dating and now you two are married with a healthy baby boy on the way.


You met Ben at Warped Tour at his record label tent. He had signed your notebook but he also wrote his number on the inside and told you to call him. You, being a fan, did. That's when he asked you to come and hang out with him and the boys. You of course agreed. You and Ben had a year long friendship before he realized he was in love with you. He kissed you, but at first you rejected him. Then seeing him with another girl made you realize that you were in love with him as well.


You met Danny at a pub in England. You had just moved there and didn't really know anyone or where anything was. You had went to the pub after a long stressful day at work to blow off some steam. On the dance floor, Danny bumped into you and spilled his drink down your front. You two had a yelling match but eventually became friends. Then to make someone jealous, you two agreed to fake date. That lasted for almost a year, and that is when you realized that you had fallen in love with him.

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