You Suprise Him (Kellin Quinn)

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*in this SWS are on the We Like It Quiet Tour*

  You sighed as you and your daughter, Copeland, waited for the plane to arrive. You were going to see your husband on tour. He was a little down and you could see it when you FaceTimed him. He really missed the two of you. This was his first year long tour since Copeland had been little. The last one was when he went on tour with Pierce The Veil. The Vic and the rest of the band bought me and Copeland a ticket and flew us out there to surprise him. They said that he would break down during some of the songs and have to rush offstage. Hince the reason you are coming now. Gabe called you. He's been worried about Kellin. He thinks that Kellin's depression is getting bad since he is not around me and Cope. So here we are at the airport waiting for the airplane. All of the sudden, Copeland squealed and pointed.
    "Mommy look, airplawne."
She says.
  You smiled and picked her up.
    "Yeah, Copeland. That's the airplane that is going to carry us to daddy."
You say.
  She squeals and claps her hands.
She says.
  She is quite the daddy's girl you have to admit. Kellin loves it. You then carried you and Copeland's bags onto the plane, handing them the tickets on the way through. The flight attendant smiles  and wishs us a good flight. You carry Copeland  onto the plane and we find our seats. You get Copeland buckled and hand her a coloring book. She thanks you and begins coloring. You watch her as she colors. She was the light in your world. She had literally saved you and Kellin's marriage. You two literally had the divorce papers written up but once you found out you were pregnant you two called it off and apologized for everything. Kellin didn't want the baby to grow up with a broken family and 'shitty' dad as he said. You told him that he could still leave, but he didn't. He didn't want to. He wanted to stay. Since Copeland was born, the marriage healed and you and Kellin became stronger. You had even talked about having another child. You looked over and Copeland was asleep. You smiled. She always fell asleep at the most random times. The flight attendant came around.
    "Would you like anything miss?"
She asks.
    "Oh no thank you. I think we are good right now. We ate right before we got onto  the plane."
I said, smiling politely.

  You finally get off of the plane, carrying a sleeping Copeland in your arms. You called for a taxi and it took you to the venue that Kellin and the guys were performing at. They were in London. One of your favorite places. You walked inside. Jack sees you and his eyes widened.
    "Does Kellin know you are here?"
He asks.
  You shook your head with a smile. Copeland squirmed in your arms. She had woken up during the taxi ride.
    "Do you wanna take us to him?"
You ask.
  He chuckles and nodds. I grab Copeland's hand  and we trail behind Jack. We get to the dressing room and Copeland spots Kellin. She tugs away from my hand and takes off running.
She squeals.
  Kellin turns and his eyes widen. He drops to a crouch and opens his arms. Copeland throws her chubby arms around him and he hugs her back, tears running down his cheeks. He then looks up to you. There is nothing but love in them. He pulls away and picks Copeland up  before walking to where you are standing. He wraps you in a hug.
    "Thank you I needed this."
He whispers.
    "You're welcome. Everyone is allowed to feel a little homesick."
You say.
    "Home is where your heart is and now mine is right beside me."
He says.
  You smile and kiss his cheek.

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