Guitar Lessons (Ricky Horror)

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  You smile as you watch Ricky practice his guitar. You had always wanted to learn, but you never really had the time. He looks up to catch you watching. He raises an eyebrow.
    "What's up?"
He asks.
    "It's just that I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar."
You explain.
  He grins and pats the bed beside him. You  grin and climb into bed beside him. He placed the guitar in your hands and placed your fingers.
    "Now this is a g chord. It is going to be a main chord in a lot of songs that you play."
He says.
  You nodd and watch as he strums the strings with your other hand. You smile and play it on your own. Before you know it, you are playing a couple of different chords and Ricky is simply watching. He has a proud smile on his face. You made you feel good inside that he was proud of you. He was happy and you couldn't wait to learn more so that you can show him what you feel you are capable of. Pretty soon yours and Ricky's kitten, Midnight, jumped on the bed. He immediately thought it would be fun to to slap at the strings. You chuckle and shake your head. Ricky wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder. He soon takes the guitar from your hands and places it in the case.
    "I think that is enough guitar for today. I say that we hang out and watch some movies. Just have our own little movie day. I prefer that over going out anyways."
He says.
  You giggle and nodd. You couldn't agree more. You would rather stay at home then go out and do something. You want to spend alone time with Ricky. You and Ricky change into your onesies that you had gotten each other for Christmas. The both of you then slip into bed. Ricky then grabs the remote and turns on the tv. He goes on Netflix. We cuddled close and you rest your head on his chest. He decided that he wanted to watch some scary movies. You were a little iffy because you don't really like scary movies. They tend to scare you a lot more than normal people. You found yourself burying your face into Ricky's chest to cover your eyes. He just chuckled and rubs his hand up and down your back.
    "It's okay, (Y/N). I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
Ricky says.

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