Skype Calls (Ben Bruce)

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  You sigh as you wait for the Skype call from Ben. He calls you every night after his show. Before I know it, my laptop is ringing and Ben's name flashed on the Skype bar. You smile and immediately hit answer. Ben's face soon appeared on the screen. He was laying in his bunk with messy wet hair and no t-shirt on. He probably just got out of the shower.
    "How are you?"
Ben asks.
  You had a migraine last time the two of you had Skyped. You sigh and rest your head on your pilliow.
    "I feel a lot better today. I don't have migraine as of right now. I may get one later on this evening, but I don't know."
You say.
  He sighs.
    "I wish that I could cuddle you right now. I miss you being in my arms."
He says.
    "I miss being in your arms. I miss your cuddles as well. When is tour going to be over again?"
You whine.
    "In a few weeks baby girl. Then I'll be coming home and you can cuddle me for as long as you would like."
He says, yawning.
    "Babe, if you are sleepy I can Skype you tomorrow."
You say.
He whines, rubbing at his eyes.
    "Ben, you have a show tomorrow and you need your rest."
You say with a sigh.
    "Just stay on until I fall asleep."
He says pouting out his bottom lip.
  You chuckle and shake your head. He can be such a child at times.
    "Okay Ben but as soon as you go to sleep I am hanging up so that your phone doesn't die."
You say.
    "Sing for me?"
He asks.
  You giggle.
    "What shall I sing?"
You ask.
    "You know that I don't mind as long that I can hear your beautiful voice."
He says.
  You smile and shake your head. You decide to sing his song, Someone, Somewhere. He had sung it to you when you first moved in with him.
    "It was you, that told me I could do this. You put the music in my heart now you sang with the band in Memphis. It's hard just to be strong, not knowing if I've done you proud. I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs. Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone cause I know there's someone somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home, to call my own."
You stop and look down to find Ben softly snoring. You couldn't help but to smile. You would be able to see him in just a few short weeks and you couldn't wait to have him back home again.

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