Five Seconds Of Summer Peference

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How you met...

  You two had met in the hair dye section in walgreens. You two had touched hands reaching to grab a firey red color. You two had exchanged numbers and within six months you two had become an item. The boys always made fun of how you two always seemed to have matching hair colors. It wasn't intentional! You two just had the same habits of dying your hair weird colors.

  You worked at an animal shelter and he came in looking for a puppy. You had helped him pick one out and name it. You two had then went out for coffee after you got off work. You two exchanged numbers and within a year you two were dating. The boys were happy that the two of you were dating even if it was a little weird how Calum had asked you to be his girlfriend in the first place.

  You worked at Starbucks and Ashton had came in with his siblings to get cookies. He had flirted with you the entire time that he was ordering so you wrote your number on the bottom of his ticket. You two had started dating three months after first talking. You two really liked each other and the boys were happy for the two of you because you were always happy and joking around. You two would always play jokes on the other boys during band pratice.

  You and Luke met at the music store. He was looking for more guitar strings while you were looking for guitar picks. You had asked his opinion on some guitar picks and you two had instantly hit it off. Before you two left, Luke had asked for your number. You had of course obliged and gave it to him. Within a couple of months, you two were dating. The boys would happy for you two because Luke didn't usually make the first move with girls. They were happy that you had found each other.

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