Broken Hearts (Austin Carlile)

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*This imagine will be sad and maybe triggering*
    "I'm sorry Austin, I just can't stand to hurt you more than I already have."
(Y/N) say, wiping under her bloodshot eyes.
  I stood there motionless. I didn't really know what to say, what to do. She is leaving me. She thinks that just because she lost our baby that if she stays she will hurt me more. That's not true. If she leaves right now, it is going to tear me apart. I need her by my side to get through the loss of our unborn princess, but I can't get her to understand that. As soon as she was out of the room, I looked at my bloodshot eyes in the bathroom mirror. Before I could control myself, I had punched it out. I watched in amazement as blood ran down my fingers. I don't know what I am going to do at this point other than sit around and feel sorry for myself.

*one week later*
  It has been a week since (Y/N) left. I haven't left our apartment. Not even to go to the studio. The guys have been calling me all week, but I can't bring myself to answer. They were some of her best friends and they only remind me of her. They were so excited to meet our little girl, but after the fan incident (Y/N) lost the baby. There was nothing the doctor could do to save our little girl. I jumped when there was a knock at my door. I sighed and got up walking to answer it. I opened the door and Alan was standing there. His face held nothing but sympathy. I guess he has talked to (Y/N). He immediately pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but to break down into sobs.
    "She's gone. My princess is gone before I could even see her face."
I cried.
    "I know it is hard man, but you and (Y/N) are going to get through this and come back together. Then you two can try again."
He says.
  I couldn't help but to choke on the sobs that left my mouth.
    "Why us? We were doing so well. Everything was going so well and now everything is ruined."
I whimper.
    "We are going to help you through this one day or another Austin. We aren't going to me you suffer in silence. You can use the outlet that you always use:  music. That is what you have always turned to and that is what you can use now."
He says.
  I sniffle and nodd. He was right. I had to fight back and get better before (Y/N) will come back.

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