Anniversary (Ricky Horror)

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This is a request from pierce_the_girl thank you for reading my book. (:

  Today is mine and Ricky's one year anniversary. He isn't home right now so it is the perfect time to plan. I want to make his favorite foods and set everything up for an amazing night. It took a few hours and a lot of hard work, but I am finally finished. I sat on the couch in Ricky's favorite outfit

 I sat on the couch in Ricky's favorite outfit

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I decided to add a small amount of makeup with a classic red lipstick

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I decided to add a small amount of makeup with a classic red lipstick. I waited for what seemed like hours before my phone rung. I took it off the table and saw that it was Ricky. I answer.
I say, a smile making its way on my face.
    "I was just calling to let you know that I am going to be a little late. The local radio station wants to us to do an acoustic show. I will be home before midnight though. I'll see you then."
He says.
  Before I could say anything, he is called and quickly rushes to get off of the phone. I sighed and placed my phone to the side. I couldn't help the few tears that made their way down my cheeks. I walked upstairs and changed out of my dress and wiped the makeup from my face. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, emotionless. He doesn't remember that today is our anniversary.
  I sighed as I unlocked the door to Tereza and my house. She is probably asleep already but it's okay. It is late. I walked inside and Tereza was sitting, waiting on the couch. My heart dropped when I saw the tears that were running down her cheeks. She stood up and wiped her cheeks when she heard my bags hit the floor.
    "What's wrong?"
I asked.
    "What is wrong? What is wrong? Do you not remember what today is?"
She screams, throwing her arms into the air.
    "Um, it's Saturday?"
I question.
    "No, you idiot! Today is our Anniversary! You know one year of you asking me to be your girlfriend!"
She yells.
  That's when it hits, me today is our anniversary. Between recording and the acoustic shows it had completely slipped my mind.
    "Oh baby, I am so sorry. With all that has been going on recently it completely slipped my mind. You have to believe me. Please."
I say.

  I could see the sincerity in his eyes maybe he didn't remember but I can't take the chance. He remembered just last week. They have only went to record once and had a few acoustic shows. I reminded him about it on Monday. He remembered, he had to of.
    "Please isn't enough. I waited hours for you and you didn't show up! You knew because I reminded you Monday and you said that you were going to plan something.  Instead, I had to plan it and you didn't even show up!"
I scream.
  I then make my way to our shared bedroom and start packing a small suitcase. Ricky comes running inside and tried to cease my movements.
    "Please baby, don't leave me."
He pleads.
    "No, Ricky. I can't do this anymore. I need to get away for a while. Maybe then I will be able to forgive you then. If you leave me alone and stop trying to keep me to stay. It will only make matters worse."
I say, yanking my arm from his grasp.
  I grab up my bag and make my way to *Your favorite car* and climb inside. I make my way to my best friends house. She opened the door at the sound of my car coming up the driveway. She raced outside when she saw me in tears. She pulled open the door and pulled me into her arms.
     "Shhh, let's get you inside and you can explain everything."
She says.
  I nod and she helps me get my things inside.
    "Go and get cleaned up and then we will worry with what is happening. I put some towels in the bathroom and some (Your favorite scent) bubble bath. I know it is your favorite."
She says, attempting to cheer me up.
  I nod and go into the bathroom and run the bath as hot as I could  stand it and put the bubble bath in. I climbed into the bath and relaxed. I took a deep breath and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.

  I had gotten out of the bath and put on my favorite pajamas. I went downstairs and explained everything to my best friend.
    "Did you give him time to explain or did you just up and leave?"
She asks.
    "I did. He couldn't give me a reason. He gave me excuses. He knew Monday that Saturday was special to me and he let his friends pull him into a show. He could have told them that he has plans already but he didn't. He did it anyways."
I say, a tear running down my cheek.

  It has been a month since I left Ricky. He has left hundred of voicemails and thousands of messages but I don't call him back or answer the messages. You want to give him a second chance. I packed my things and took a deep breath, looking around the room one last time. I walk downstairs and Y/B/F/N was sitting at the counter. She looked at me confused.
    "Where are you going?"
She asks.
    "I want to give Ricky a second chance. It has been a month and I can't get him out of my head. He continuously texts me and calls me, those are easy to ignore but the feelings that I have for him can't be. I love him and nothing can change that."
I say.
  She sighs and stands up.
    "Okay, just be careful. Drive safe, the roads are pretty crazy out there this time of the day."
She says.
  I nod and grab my keys from the hook. I walk out to my car and made my way back to the apartment building. I walk inside and see Ricky asleep on the couch. I walked in the living room and saw the deep dark circles. It was my fault that he has these. I ran my fingers through his messy hair. He immediately jolted up from his position on the couch. His eyes widen when he sees me and he wraps his arms around my body, pulling me into his lap. He buried his face into my neck and I could feel a few tears drop there.
    "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to forget our anniversary. It was slipped my mind because I had so much going on. It slipped my mind because I was so focused on making this perfect."
He says.
  I looked at him confused.
    "What do you mean?"
I ask.
  He gently pushed me to the side and then stood up. He grabbed something from the coffee table and I gasped when I saw what it was. It was a small black velvet box. He opened it and sitting inside was a gorgeous ring. He then slid down to one knee.
    "Tereza, you are my world. You have been since the day that we bumped into each other. I love you and I would bring a star down for you if I could. So with this being said, will you marry me?"
He asks.
  My hands immediately went to my face and I nodded. He stood up with a grin on his face and slid the ring out of the box. He then slides it onto my finger and pulls me tightly into his arms and buries his face into my hair.
    "I love you too."
I whisper against his neck.
  He just pressed a small kiss to my neck and smiled. I knew that this meant the same as what I had voiced.

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