He's Sick (Jack Barakat)

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  You woke to the sound to someone throwing up in the bathroom. You rolled out of you and your fiancèe, Jack Barakat's, bed. You walk to the bathroom and there sat a pale Jack, leaning against the shower door. You walk inside and give him a damp washcloth to wipe his mouth and a cup of mouthwash. He shakily stood up.
    "Go get back into bed. You can't go into the studio today."
You say.
    "But I have to. I can't let the guys down."
He says.
    "Jack, don't agrue with me today. You aren't going into the studio today. I'll call the guys and explain everything to them. They will understand. You can barely stand, much less go and record."
You say.
  He sighs and climbs into bed. He knew better than to agrue with you over his health. You would always win. You pull the blankets over him and touch your hand to his forehead to see if he has a fever. He was burning up. You sigh.
    "I'm going to go and grab some ibprofen, sprite, and a cool cloth from downstairs. I will be back in a few minutes. We have to see if we can get the fever to go down. If not we are going to have to go to the emergency room."
You say.
  He sighs and nodds. You jogg downstiars and grab everything. You walk back upstairs and hand everything off to Jack. He takes the medicine and you place the cool rag on his forehead.
    "I'm going to go and make you some chicken noodle soup. Something that will be light on your stomach."
You say.
  He nodds, not wanting to say much. His throat probably hurts from throwing up. You walk downstairs and find a can of chicken noodle soup. You heat it up and pour it into a bowl. You then grab a packet of crackers and walk back upstairs. Jack sits up and eats a few bits of the soup and a few crackers, not wanting to push it. That's what he claims. He is soon finished and you climb into bed beside him.
    "You are going to get sick."
He protested.
    "Then you'll get to look after me, but until then you are going to get some rest."
You say.
  He sighs and nodds. Within a few minutes, soft snores escaped his parted lips. You smile. Even though he was sick, he always managed to be perfect.

Band ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora