After that he had seen enough, it was only a couple-step-trip through the Forrest yet he had already put himself into more danger than he had ever done in his life. There were no adults to fend for his safety, only a two-bullet handgun and his lacking skills to use it. With putting down  the walker with his first attempt, being luck.

Back inside the safeness of the closed town, he let himself get accustomed to the new feeling of adventure he had experienced. Of course it wasn't much, a couple of trees, bushes and a walker he had shot. But it was overwhelming for his inexperience brain, he leaned against the wind-cooled surface of the wall. Letting his heart settle for a steady, normal pace while the cold soaked through the thin material of his brown 1/4 button up. Now that Carl and Enid were out there, he regretted not taking Enid's offer to give him a tour around, many months ago. She was always out there, from the day she arrived to now, she would never miss an opportunity to sneak over the wall and disappear for many hours in a row. Sometimes she would come back earlier though, but only if she was hungry or if they weren't many walkers around to stab into; it was a fun sport to her, she claimed it was even better than their childish video games yet she still joined them in the noon. The only time she was always expected to be beyond walls, because that's were Aaron and his husband Erik checked up on the kids in the town, making sure they were safe and sound and did nothing reckless.
Ron wondered what they were doing at that very moment whilst he was leaning against the wall, maybe far behind him somewhere in the woods they were getting to know each other, growing a bond and maybe even catching feelings. After all, that's what adolescents do, experiencing with things hormones force them to do, kissing, hugging... sex
They wouldn't fuck though, Ron thought. Or at least that's what he believed,  for one because they didn't know each other that well and the other reason being that Enid was a girl. And girls can get pregnant. And if they do, they will die. In a world like this, with barely any doctors, that just had to be their fate.

Ron pushed himself off the wall and made it to Mikey's place, where they both started their everyday ritual of playing games they had already played a dozen of times. Red Dead Redemption, a game that passed '18' in age rating, about shooting walkers in the wild western, and admittedly, maybe it wasn't the most convenient game to play while the world is literally taken over by exactly those beasts but since neither Mikey nor Ron happen to be seeing them to often in real they didn't bother too much about it. Sometimes they even though it would be good for them to prepare if they would end up there, outside, with them. Of course it couldn't replace real life experience, but it was something. And their parents didn't mind, or didn't know, so they played it.
Ron had just turned eighteen not long ago and Mikey was slacking after him with his sweet seventeen, so technically he wasn't allowed to play the game yet. But there wasn't anyone to stop them from it, also they've played the game for three years now, so it was already too late to unsee the gore.
The game had gotten boring but the adults rarely scavenged new games for them to play, Enid tried to do it herself but she wanted something in return, more pot for her, but Mikey and Ron weren't having that deal. Pot was just too precious to trade it for some stupid video games.

"Aww, c'mon Anderson!" Mikey whined, throwing his hands up in the air and the controller hit the frame of his bed. "Watch your aim, you forgot that we are playing in team mode? man." He gave him a disappointed look which was answered by a pinch to his stomach from Ron's fingers
"Stop that, it's not the end of the world"

"Well, you're kinda wrong, it IS the end of the world" Mikey said and Ron let out a sad laugh "You know what I meant"
Mikey kept looking disappointed, but he looked away from Ron and now stared at the TV screen that said 'WASTED' in red, choppy letters, notifying them that the game was over because Rons player had shot Mikey's player in the head after falsely assuming that he was a walker.
Ron gave his friend a sympathetic clap on his shoulder and stared with him at the screen for a long time until the door was opened and a furry black, beast stormed into the room, wagging his tail viciously as he waddled across the room to the two boys who longed at the floor and started sniffing and licking each of their faces. They let out yelps and held their forearms crossed in front of their face as an attempted shield
"Mum! Why'da let Ernie in?!" Mikey bawled outraged, as he shifted from side to side to escape the demanding need of the dog to wet his face with its salvia
Ernie, was the large, long haired black mutt from Mikey, a very very very ugly dog with always tangled up hair that was from nobody bothering to brush through it because it usually takes about an hour to fully do. Admittedly he wasn't a chic pedigree dog with a shiny coat and a big brain, but he had a big heart for everyone and showed it in his own special way
showering them with love in the form of wet smooches and a sticking out tongue you could interpreted as a smile. Even if you hated dogs, you'd still think twice about it not to return a smile at Ernie.

"Your father, and me, are leaving for a couple of hours. I want you to do nothing reckless, and stay here till we come back."
His mother was a short lady who could've the potential to be a good person if it weren't for the many flaws of hers, it just spoke to him that she seemingly had no taste in men since her husband happened to be the one and only Nicholas. The whimpiest guy he had ever known since the outbreak and if that wasn't enough she was also very protective with a fondness of checking up on her son twenty-four-seven hours, and if his son did happen to do something utterly wrong; she'd be in terrible denial about it.
He smokes weed? Oh, it's good for your health you know...
He got STD's from unprotected sex with his girlfriend and then got her killed in a trip outside the walls? Well, teenagers do make mistakes...
He beat his best friend black and blue over a stupid candy bar? Can't blame him, we run low on those things

"...and Ernie needs to be taken out soon, so go now, before he decides to piddle inside the house" Mrs. Traynor instructed her son, handing him a well-used brown leather lead and giving the black beast a last pat on the head before she turned on her heels in a full circle and beetled off.

"Alright, lets go" Mikey sighed out loudly and pulled himself on his feet with a struggle, making clicking noises with his tongue to call Ernie to him, who happily spurted to him and rubbed his coat along his legs

"Now?" Ron asked and Mikey nodded while attaching the carabiner from the lead to the dogs collar which he only found after a long time of digging through the thick coat on his neck.
"Yup, I don't think I'll be able to do it later. So, let's just go now and then we can enjoy the rest of this day with video games-NOT in team mode though"

"What's wrong with team mode" Ron asked, standing up and steadying himself to the floor as his knees felt asleep
Mikey said, "You" with a nod at the TV screen that still said 'WASTED'.
Ron rolled his eyes but didn't stop his smile from breaking through and went over to push the button to turn off the TV.

Rarl: Just Think Positive जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें