Chapter 20: Exposed

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I gathered most of my friends to go on a camping trip, so no one will be scared!

Slowly packing up for the camping trip. If I remember I invited Kawaii~Chan, Nicole, Lucinda, Laurence, Vlyad, Zane, Katelyn and Aaron.

As I pack up for the trip Aaron came into my room. "Why are you packing?" Aaron asked quietly. "We are going camping after all! I need to be ready for everything!" I answered enthusiastically.

"I never packed.." Aaron whispered cowerdly. "I know, Aaron, but this is what we, normal people, do, unlike you Aaron." I replied. I grabbed my suitcase and went to the forest's edge, where we all needed to meet.

Kawaii~Chan, Nicole, Lucinda, Laurence, Vlyad, Zane and Katelyn where already there with Aaron close behind me. "Everyone ready?" I yelled to my friends as we head out into the deep forest.


"It's dusk soon, Aph... Are you sure you want to go farther into the woods?" Katelyn asked me, looking over the my shoulder. "Ehhh.... I think I got lost.." I laugh nervously.

"Zane! Aaron! Aphmau got us lost!" Katelyn yelled across the group to her two friends. "Lost?!?" The group, except Aaron, Zane and Katelyn, yelled at me.

"Going to find water." Katelyn said and casually trotted away. "Gonna start a fire." Zane said and left into the deep of the forest. Aaron also disappeared.

"Kawaii~Chan forgot the food!!" Kawaii~Chan cried. "Really? Kawaii~Chan you are so forgetful..." Lucinda replied and facepalmed.

"Okay guys, calmed down. Build up the tents and we will stay here." I shouted to everyone and all started tonput down their tents.

Soon Zane returned with sticks and branches. "Lucinda, can you use fire magic on this?" Zane asked and put down a pile of sticks on the ground. "Yeah, I can." Lucinda answered, got out her staff, shortly chanted something and ignited the pile of sticks.

Then Katelyn returned with five flasks of water. "Zane, heat up the water 'kay?" Katelyn asked and Zane nodded in response.

Soon Aaron returned with a body of an elk. "Nice one Aaron!" Zane praised him. Most of the group, except me, Zane, Katelyn and Aaron himself, were vomiting.

"What? It's just a dead elk." Zane said calmly. "You sure we need to eat it?" Nicole asked, looking at the body of the elk. "How could we eat that poor elk?" Laurence questioned.

"Elk's good." Aaron relpied to all.


3rd person view

Moon was already high up in the black sky. Stars speckled the darkness as Lucinda, Nicole, Laurence and Vlyad stayed up, looking after the fire, while everyone else were sleeping.

"Let's tell scary stories!" Lucinda giggled and the rest nodded with enthusiasm. "Okay. Here is a story, the three demonic weapons." She started in a sinister voice.

"Long ago, when the Divine Warriors still walked this earth, Shad the Destroyer created three unbeatable demonic weapons. Each one can only be equal to the Divine warriors themselves. When Shad was locked in the Nether the took one of his weapons called the Crystal Demonic long sword."

"He left the demonic duo swords and the demonic broadsword on this earth. And they have different unknown powers. And one of them, the demonic duo sword, are in Aaron's possession." Lucinda concluded.

"Can I tell a story, now?" Nicole asked, completely ignoring Lucinda's words. No one responded, as they were still shocked from what Lucinda just said.

"Okay! So the three death cards. The Stranger or Shadow's Lord. He's said to live in a cursed forest and kills everyone that enters because he thinks that everyone are Shadow knights." Nicole started.

"Then, the FireFirst. She lives in jungle and kills everyone who enters because they step onto the sacred land of her family, which was butned there because of fire." Nicole continued.

"Last, but not least, the Jury of Black, even though he just one person, he's scary. He lives high in the mountains and everyone who sees him are killed. He hates people because he thinks anyone can be the murder of his brothers." Nicole finishes as everyone shivers from her chilling tale.

"You all are so stupid." Katelyn said as all jumped from her vioce. "You scared us, Katelyn!" Vlyad gasped. "You know, telling rumors isn't nice." Awakened Zane said, sleeply.

"Yeah..." Aaron yawned. "When did you Katelyn~Sama, Zane~Kun and Aaron~Kun wake up?" Kawaii~Chan asked. "Just now, because of your rumors." Zane said.

"Who said they were rumors!?" Laurence yelled. "We do, and don't yell, Aph's still sleeping." Katelyn said.

"How do know they are rumors?" Nicole questioned. Before anyone could answer when the group heard footsteps. "Thugs..." Aaron whispered. Katelyn, Aaron and Zane looked at each other, nodded and disappeared in different direction.

"I think I heard the bells ring..." Aaron's, Katelyn's and Zane's vioces were bearly heard in the quiet night. Then all that was seen were flashes of black, silver and red.

As the three return to the group all covered in blood, the others were in shock. "Wha... How?" Laurence stuttered. "Answering your question, because we are the three death cards." Zane answered.

Laurence instantly ran to Aphmau's side. "Don't you dare hurt Aph!" Laurence yelled. "If YOU dare to hurt her we all will kill you without a second thought." Katelyn said coldly.

Laurence gulped down. "We better get the thugs' body's away.... until..." Aaron murmured. "Yeah, we better leave." Zane said and the three left.

"My be-best friend... is a k-killer.... How?" Nicole stuttered. "This is were Aaron's aura of bloodlust came from..." Lucinda muttered.

"Hmm.... Where's Aaron?" Aphmau said sleeply. "You're NEVER seeing them again!" Laurence shouted and grabbed Aphmau's shoulders.

"Hey... Not my fault you didn't notice...." Aph answered him, groggily, "Plus Aaron lives with me, I can't do anything with tha-a-at" She yawned.

"We still need to stay for the night anyway..." Lucinda said, climbing back into her tent.


Soo... I'm Alive... That's good... Here you are... Peeps.. especially you, Violet.. I know you love this fanfics...
Sooo... I'll go..

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