Chapter 40

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"What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor, innocent, youth... do not be afraid, my child. It is I, Toriel, your friend and guardian. At first, I thought I would let you make your journey alone... but I could not stop worrying about you." Toriel told Frisk from where she stood.

She took two long strides away from the door and held her arms open wide. Frisk ran into her open arms and hugged my mom like they haven't seen each other in one hundred years... I looked down feeling a tad bit sad that I couldn't hug her too... but that didn't stop me I hugged mom, it didn't matter if she knew or not, the best of love sometimes does hidden wonders. I smiled, along with Frisk. Mom smelt like home... the home I missed way too much.

"Your adventure must have been so treacherous... and ultimately, it would burden you with a horrible choice. To leave this place, you would have to take the life of another person. You would have to defeat Asgore. However... I realized... I can not allow that. It is not right to sacrifice someone simply to let someone leave here." Mom sighed and looked down at Frisk, whom she was cradling in her arms. "Is that not what I have been trying to prevent this whole time? So, for now, let us suspend this battle. As terrible as Asgore is... he deserves mercy, too." Her frowned like it pained her to say that out loud.

Dad finally stood up with happiness and hope splattered on his face, "Tori... you came back..." he was completely astonished... but I could tell mom was really pissed off, she got this way whenever Asriel and I didn't listen to her. I watched as Frisk slowly roll out of moms caring arms and took just a little distance, still in arms length of mom.

She exhaled and replied with sass, "Do not 'Tori' me, Dreemurr! You pathetic whelp... if you really wanted to free own kind... you could have gone through the barrier after you got one soul... taken six souls from the humans, then came back and freed everyone peacefully. But instead, you made everyone live in despair... because you would rather wait here, meekly hoping another human never comes." She stared dad down with beady eyes.

"...Tori... you're right... I am a miserable creature..." he looked down ashamed of himself but proceeded to ask meekly, "but, do you think we can at least be friends again?"

Mom sighed, "No, Asgore." The both faced away from each other. My mom... utterly pissed off... my dad on the other hand... crying silently, repulsed by his own actions.

Then crashing sounds came from behind the door and it was kicked out of its hinges and landed beside Frisk with a huge thud. Undyne came running in, as if she just ran around the Underground seven times!

"NGGAAAHHHHHHHH! ASGORE! Human! Nobody fight each other! Everyone's gonna make friends, or else I'll...! I'll..." Undyne looses her train of thought after seeing mom. Frisk is at the brink of laughing at Undyne's completely confused face.

Mom giggled a little a introduced herself, "Hello, I am Toriel. Are you the humans friend? It is nice to meet you." She smiled gently at Undyne's ferociously bewildered face.

"Uh... ya? Nice to meet you!" She spreads a gigantic smile and walks over to Asgore's side and whispers, "Hey Asgore, is that your ex? Jeez, that's rough buddy." Undyne got a saddened look in her eye and pat Asgore on the back while still smiling brightly at mom.

Since the huge arched door was knocked down, anyone could enter without a struggle. Alphys stumbles into view, she has been obviously running around. "H-hey! Nobody hurt each other!..." Alphys too, looses what she was going to say and stares at mom, just as confused as Undyne. She glances from Asgore, to Undyne, and to Frisk for confirmation that mom was actually standing there.

"Oh! Are you another friend? I am Toriel' Hello!"

Alphys stutters, "Uh, h-h-hi!..." Her face become panicked and whispers roughly to Frisk, "there's two of them???" Frisk giggles and Alphys runs over to Undyne. Undyne kneels down close to her height and hugs the little dinosaur around the shoulders. Alphys glows bright red but smiles anyways.

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