Chapter 12

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That next morning I pretended to beg and asked, "Hey it's been a while since me and Asriel have been to the garden. May we go to the garden today?! Please!" Asriel was also utterly confused at my eagerness but he went with it anyways.

Mom seemed a bit worried after yesterdays incident but said, "Okay, fine, as long as your home for dinner and are on your best behavior. I'll go make your lunches." I really had her worried after my little shocked state yesterday so she was on edge. But luckily I convinced her.

"Okay mom!" We said in unison. I knew Asriel would help me with this plan I had nearly all day to convince him to follow up on it. I felt mysterious, like a spy. Most of all if Asriel followed the plan I would be a savior for all monsters.

Asriel and I exited the Ruins and started to make our way to the castle. On our way to the river person in Snowdin, out of the corner of my eye I saw Sans. But one of his eyes was flaming a cyan blue color and the only black like an endless void. Then when I fully turned my body to see what was wrong with his eyes, he was gone like he disappeared outta thin air. So I ignored it, maybe it was just a figment of my imagination. Asriel had brought his video camera so I assumed he would tape something and I brought my note pad of ideas I scribbled down from last night and a pencil in case I came up with a better plan. Soon enough we made it to the throne room's garden area.

Just as expected Asriel turned on his video camera and said, "Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera!" As he flashed the camera in my direction I smiled. Then he laughed, "Ha, this time I got YOU! I left the cap on... ON PURPOSE! Now your smiling for no reason! Hee hee hee!" I frowned and sarcastically rolled my eyes as he laughed.

Then I sighed I had to tell him but I had to ease into the subject of my plan. I shoved the camera away so it wouldn't pick up what I said. Because if the plan failed I didn't want mom or dad to find out. So then I asked, "Do you remember when we tried to make butterscotch cinnamon pie for dad?"

He stopped laughing and looked at me all weird. He then said cautiously, "What? Oh, yeah, I remember. When we tried to make butterscotch pie for dad, right?" Then he laughed away his pain and rubbed his shoulder, "The recipe asked for cups of butter... but we accidentally put in Buttercups instead." He put the video camera of a rock nearby and he looked up to see if I had anything to say.

I kicked up my feet up by the video camera so it didn't pick up what I said again, "Ya! Remember how those Buttercups got him really sick?" Then I closed my eyes and waited for a response.

Asriel looked really uncomfortable but responded, "Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick. I felt so bad. We made mom really upset. I should have laughed it off, like you did..." I winced at that last part. I didn't want to laugh it off I just... I don't know. Then Asriel continued, "Um, anyway, where are you going with this?" I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed.

I barely opened my eyes and whispered, "Turn the camera off, please." I wasn't going to say my plan on camera.

Asriel looked surprised for a second and then remembered the video camera, "Huh? Turn off the camera...? Okay." And he flicked the save button and turned it off. Then he sat back down and said, "So where are going going with this? Why are you talking about those flowers? I mean this is the first time you've brought this up in years!"

I had to tell him. I sighed, "Okay so remember last night, how dad told us we need seven human souls to destroy the barrier forever?"

Asriel looked uncomfortable again, "um, ya I remember, I mean it was only last night. How could I forget?!"

I rolled my eyes, "Well I thought of a plan. But if I tell you this plan you can not tell mom or dad, you can't tell anyone about it, okay. Also, in order for this plan you work I will need your help. All you have to do to seal the deal is shake my hand and I pinkie swear we will do this together and not betray one another."

He suddenly looked a bit terrified but then he it seemed that a wave of determination flowed over him. He nodded and shook my waiting hand and pinkie swore. "What ever your plan is, we will do it together! We have brother and sister and nothing, not even death, could tear us apart."

I smiled warm heartedly. I shook his hand back and replied, "Together, nothing can slit us apart!"

I let our hands go and knelt down. I opened up my note pad and showed him my plan I made that last night. He gasped in shock. I had a feeling he knew it would work. I smiled creepily and laughed to myself as I began to explain.

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