Chapter 16

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At first there was white light that covered everything and a deafening ring that made me want to cover my ears. Then suddenly it was a void and neither of us saw or heard anything, it was freaky but I forced us to continue forward, my grip tightened on my dead body. Asriel looked around us and there was nothing but white, it felt as if we were floating. I squeezed our eyes shut and marched on. Then it seemed as if everything stopped and so did we.

I wasn't not sure how this void works but I was going but gut feelings then. We heard the beautiful chirps of birds and we smelt the fresh strong scent of the blooming flowers and we felt the suns rays strike our skin in delight. I was oddly content, I thought I would go on a rage and destroy all humans... I mean we are like a god now! We could kill everyone in the world right now! But instead we sat down and enjoyed the new world for a while.

Asriel was mesmerized. He layed down my body and the layed down on the rocky cliff and closed our eyes. I could tell it was evening time, that's when I liked the sun best because it was cozy rays of sunshine, not serious heat rays. After some time to ourselves Asriel stood up picked up my body and then I directed him in the direction to my old village.

Eventually we had made it to the edge of the old village. I barely recognized it. The village changed so much over the past few years. More newer homes, a bigger market, improved building skills, and more abandon homes. I hope the garden is still here.

With my body clutched in our hands together we walked over to the middle of the village, passing gasping and terrified humans, and finally make it to the old garden. I thought it was gone, thank goodness! Since in was late spring all the flowers were bloomed. I paused for a second and stared at the flowers. They... they were Buttercups just like the ones in the Underground. I almost resisted to put my body here but I had a job to do and that was to kill six humans. I carefully set my body down and folded my arms. Then I stood up again and turned around and took a step back at the sight. Hundreds of humans stood circling us with pick forks, spears, guns, and knives. They were screaming and screeching at us yelling things like, "WHAT ARE YOU, YOU FOUL CREATURE!" "DID YOU KILL THAT CHILD?!" "WE'LL KILL YOU BEAST!" Worst of all is when I heard my old mom's voice she screamed out. She had tears in her eyes and ran up and knelt down beside my body. She softly touched my faced and then angrily looked up at us and spat, "SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER AND YOU KILLED HER!" I knew it was time to kill six of the now or else we would be struck down. I tried to take control but suddenly Asriel stopped me.

He took control over the eniter body and wasn't even listening to me when I yelled at him that they would kill him if we didn't get want we wanted now! Then as predicted some angry folk struck a spear straight through his arm. I was pleading Asriel to stop, to turn back, that the plan had failed, and then chain reaction kicked in. Everyone was firing everything they had. We could take them all down right then and there if we wanted to, but no... Asriel wouldn't let me take control. I was starting to get pissed off as I watched his HP slowly start going down. I relized I was powerless. He wasn't doing anything but standing there. I wanted to kill everyone here. By everyone I mean everyone. I wailed at Asriel to stop, to run, to fall back, and go back to the Underground but he shook his head in disappear and took blow after blow.

Even though I knew he might die now, even though I knew he might not leave, again I couldn't feel a thing. Nothing but... hatred. "I hate you all." That was directed towards everyone.

The humans were aggressive and wouldn't stop for anything or anyone. Me, devastated, finally beat Asriel's soul and took control but for only enough time to shove people away and grab my body. I formed a fireball and chucked it in my adoptive mom's direction. I heard her screams and chuckled but then Asriel immediately over powered me.

He stopped and this time decided to go back home. He propped my body in his arms and slowly walked by all the aggressive humans. I tried with all my might to take control. I wanted to kill all of them for what they done. But he simple shook his head and walked back up the mountain again spears, bullets, and arrows hanging from his body. He was hurt so bad he nearly collapsed on the way up then without turning around for another look he closed his eyes and marched back through the barrier. Our plan was a failure.

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