Chapter 1

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Black. All I saw was black. The color of my life, I thought. Then I noticed, as my senses were coming back, I was laying face down on the rough, frosty ground.

I roughly shoved myself onto my back and looked up to the grey clouds. It was mid December and I was entirely sure that I didn't want to be here. Living. The thought of still existing in a world of terror, hatred, and people who didn't care for anyone but themselves... it sickened me! I sighed as a tear escaped down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and tried to concentrate on a good thought... anything better than the reason I was in this bottomless pit right now... but no good memories came to mind... my day kept replaying itself in my brain!

"Mother? Mother?! It's freezing and we have no heater in here! Lets start a fire."

"Not now Chara, go away and leave me alone." My mother dropped the bottle of wine and it shatters into a million pieces. She look down at the broken bottle and realized there was still wine in it. She glared at me and I saw the anger in her eyes.

"But we will freeze to death if we don't start one, we must! Before the blizzard hits!!!" I cried out to my mother. She stood up from her spot on the ground, marched over to me and raised her hand.


"I said leave me!" She was pissed. I knew the best thing for me to do would be to leave the house and spend the night outside... but in this weather, I would be dead in minutes.

"Ow Ow Ow!" I wiped the tears away from my stinging eyes. My mother heard me whimpering and she erupted like a volcano. She whipped her arm down again and grabbed me by my ear.

"That's my ear. Don't drag me by my ears!" I pleaded.

"Gosh, this storm is freezing isn't it?" She looked at me in a threatening way. "Why not go find someone who loves you in the blizzard!" Oh no... she's drunk again!

"Mother!! What?! No! Stop!" Tears streaked my bruised face. As she dragged me to the door, over the piles of garbage and alcohol bottles in the one room shack. I was clawing at the wooden ground, I didn't want to die!

She slammed open the front door and threw me head first into a snow pile blocking the small path to our home.

"You are no daughter of mine... now LEAVE!" Then my mother slammed the door and locked it. I had no coat, mittens, or hat. I was locked away, banished, for the frozen world to consume me.

I quickly tried to get myself to stop crying, I couldn't have my eyelids freeze shut on me! Without thinking I stood up and ran. I ran in the direction I knew best, the path beside Mt. Ebott. But since the snow was falling to thick to see anything, I was blown off course and forced up the mountain.

I sat up and got dizzy immediately. I was cold, bloody, hurting, and I was pretty sure I had a bad concussion. Then I heard a snapping noise from the corner of the room. My head flew in the direction of the noise but I didn't see anything, at first anyways. When my eyes adjusted, I saw... it? Whatever it was, it was small and blinding white color. My immediate reaction was to slump back down and think to myself, whelp I'm dead... but then they spoke so softly it was mesmerizing.

"Are... are you okay?" When it spoke, I could tell the thing was a boy. I couldn't tell if they were nervous or scared. Maybe both.

"Who, no what are you?!" I instantly regretted saying it and flinched because normally after a snarky remark my mother would slap me or throw me into the streets for a night. Him on the other hand, just laughed it off like it was a joke. I won't lie I was utterly confused.

"Hehe, I'm a monster." He said. Then quickly added, "Not the scary kind living underneath your bed, of course!" He didn't sound to scared anymore.

I just stared at him thinking, I just fell down into this abyss and it turned out to be an underground city full of monsters and you're cracking jokes?! He must have noticed my weirded out face because he then tried to talked to me more casually.

"You must have fallen down, haven't you? Well, your the first human I've ever seen. My parents sometimes talk about humans... they say that they just need hope and love, but they say that some don't get the love they need." He paused for a fraction of a second and nearly whispered, "Don't mean to be rude but... is that true? I mean I know we just met but, really. Are some humans not loved and left with a black soul?"

That last thing he said caught my attention... it gave me an awful flashback that I normally prefer to not think of.

Mother was kneeling over the lump in their old bed. She was weeping, and not tears of joy. I was scared to go over and approach them but eventually gained enough courage to cautiously wander over there.

"Mother? Are you okay?" I whispered.

She wiped her tears away and looked up. She stared me in the eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot and her nose had obviously been running for awhile. She didn't talk just slowly looked down again.

I walked over to the lump in the bed slowly and stared down. I stood there looking down at the bed. Then collapsed and wept along side my mother. My father was dead.

Later that week, after putting my dad to rest, everyone in the village made fun of me. My mother didn't help either. She started getting drunk and soon isolated herself from everyone. That drunken bastard...

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