Chapter 14

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I woke up and my body was screeching in pain. Everything was so... hazy. I was blinking back pain when Toriel came into the room with puffy bloodshot eyes and a tray of multiple different medicines. I was guessing she didn't even know I was awake because she didn't look at my bed. I was so confused, I didn't remember ever getting back home again, although I did remember that I was dying. Most pleasant thing to remember of all things, right?! "M-mom?" I managed to choke out. My throat was super dry. "W-what's going on? When did I get home?" It hurt to talk, physically and emotionally.

She turned around so fast she knocked over a cup of water and it spilled everywhere. She obviously didn't care though. She rushed over and carefully hugged me, "Oh my goodness! My child I thought you would never wake up! Oh! You have been asleep for a day and a half!" She was having a an emotional moment so I tried hugging her back but I was in too much pain. She was telling me how Asriel was panicking along with Asgore, how Undyne showed up with me in her arms, how I passed out, and about how many people have stopped by in the past twenty-four hours asking if I was okay. I was actually surprised to know that many other people came to see if I was okay. After she finished composing herself she wiped her tears, took a deep breath, sighed, and went back to making medicines.

After I was finished taking my medications, reluctantly though because I dont want to get better. Hopefully I ate enough buttercups to stop medication from helping me get better, I thought. But I wasn't so sure, I was starting to feel better. Mom turned sans left me be. Then Asriel came into the room. He looked horrible like he has been crying a lot. I slightly smiled at him and he nearly look instantly better. He then smiled but with weary eyes and pulled out a video camera. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Of all times to record something why now! I eased up on him though. When he sighed and turned it on, he left the lens on again, he said reluctantly and with exhaustion in his voice, "I... I don't like this idea, Chara."

I knew the pain was to much to get words out so I tried talking to him through eye contact. So I gave him the 'roll eyes your a big crybaby look.' Then he stared at me and said, "Wh... What? N-no, I'm not... big kids don't cry." Then I softened up. I felt so bad. I should have eased the both of us into the plan and not just thrown ourselves into it.

Then I squeaked a whisper out asking, "Y-you don't d-doubt me do you?" It was so quiet I'm sure the video didn't pick it up.

Then he wiped another tear, laughed slightly, and said, "Yeah, you're right. No! I'd never doubt you, Chara. Never!"

Next I smiled, or I tried to smile as big as I could. I held up my arm and made a strong flex and pointed to him and me. I wheezed again, "We'll free everyone!"

He held his head up high again and nodded knowing that I was right. "Y-yeah! We'll be strong! We'll free everyone."

I had convinced him well. I knew he would follow up on my instructions. I knew it was hard on him to follow up on the plan but I hoped he knew it was for the best. I squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn't cry, I hate crying. I did this to myself, for the well being of monsters. Most people would just kill them but me?! No, I was killing myself for them but at the same time I wanted to do this. I really hoped that they would someday understand that what I did was for them. What if I died and they still didn't know that? What if the plan was to fail after I died? There were so many flaws in the plan... I was an idiot for not thinking it through, but I have to finish what I started.

Then noticed that the medicine Toriel gave me really was working. I was feeling a lot better than I did this morning. I frowned. I had to ask Asriel to bring me more flowers! Would he do it after he saw how bad it went last time? I gained confidence and peeped out, "I need more flowers. I need at least five more cups of it."

My memory will forever be glued on how horrified he looked. Asriel must have remembered when he said he wouldn't doubt me and grudgingly nodded and said clearly, "I'll go get the flowers." And he switch the camera off set it down and was out of the room with five plastic cups in his hands.

I stared off into space. I'm doing this to myself! How could I hurt mom, dad, and Asriel like this! I thought. Then I remembered what I was doing this for, No... I'm doing this for them! This is for them not me. They have done so much good for me it's time I pay them all back! I'm.... Hmm.... I'm Determined to succeed! I will shatter the barrier for all of them. My mind was at war and I didn't like it.

Then the door slowly creaked open and snapped me out of my daydreams. Asriel poked his head in and held out a tray full of cups filled to the brim with buttercups. I smiled weakly and motioned him to come over here so I could finish the task at hand.

"Hey, Asriel, you don't have to watch if you don't want to..." I told him quietly. He shook his head. Did he want to see how I died? Or did he just want to make sure I didn't eat my lips and gums in the process this time? Maybe both, who knows. I held the first cup to my mouth. I sort wished that buttercups were some kind of liquid because one, eating the flowers whole was a pain in my ass and two, the stupid seeds stuck to my clothes and hands and it felt like dried maple syrup and three, drinking a poison would be a LOT easier.

I crunched down the cups of flowers and at that point I felt the poison racing down to my stomach again. I broke out into a cold sweat and my stomach felt like the fires from hell. My eyes were watering so much I couldn't see Asriel anymore. I tossed and turned and vomited a few times. I could hear something... I just couldn't make out what it was. I felt it now. I was taunting death at this point. I was going to die no joke about it.

This is for the greater good! One side of my brain thought. While the other thought, Oh really, are you sure you are? You're leaving all of your loved ones behind and your not sure that your plan will work! My questions and wonders fought on and on as everything around me became hazy.

After what felt like a milinnea my eyes cleared away a little bit. I could barely make out what looked like mom, dad, Asriel, and Undyne. But they looked more like giant blobs of purple, gold, white, and an aquatic blue. Everything but a long tunnel of blinding white was going dark. I could suddenly hear everyone's voices in my head.

"Chara? Can you hear me? We want you to wake up..." My goat mom was calling for me and I couldn't help but let my tears slip down my burning cheeks.

"Chara!" A deep voice was calling. My goat dad. Then he bellowed, "You have to stay determined! You can't give up! You are the future of humans and monsters..." I collapsed and I was trying so hard not to bawl my eyes out. I was breathing so hard.

Then I heard a small distant voice, "Psst... Chara... Please... Wake up... I don't like this plan anymore. I... I... No, I said I would never doubt you. Six, right? We just have to get six... And we'll do it together, right?" Asriel. Then the comforting voices became faint again and I was trying my hardest to yell out for Asriel.

But I knew my time was up. I wasn't able to hear anything anymore. I couldn't feel anymore. I felt frozen and distant inside. My life flashed before my eyes. I saw everything I've ever done. From the moment of my biological parents dying, to the bombs raining above the orphanage, to the moment of being adopted, to looking at my adoptive fathers dead corpse, to being disowned by my drunk mother, to falling down, to first seeing the Underground for the first time, to every moment with my loving family and friends, to the last moment I saw Asriel. I want to lie but I won't, I cried, no more like wept. I didn't want to leave them yet then I remembered another distant memory.

"I won't be dead. My body will be dead. My soul will still be alive as ever and since you will absorb it then I can still talk to you and you will feel my presents by you at all times. Yes, my body will by gone and dead but my living being, my soul, will still be alive and I can travel around as a ghost. See I'll never leave you. I promise." It was me and I was hugging a crying Asriel.

Now I just must stay determined... Asgore's voice echoed in the back of my head, "Chara! You have to stay determined! You can't give up! You are the future of humans and monsters..." Then I closed my eyes and felt the rush of air past my face and I saw the colors of my bedroom started to form around me again.

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