Chapter 29

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"Gez finally! The elevator ride was sad and extremely long, heh..." Frisk said while choking down tears. They wiped their eyes with their sleeve and stood up as the doorway to the elevator opened up to a colorless city. Their eyes were puffy and bloodshot. At least they had it under control again.

Their jaw dropped as they realized that this city was going to either be my dad's final resting place or their own. I glanced at them, they will make the right choice. I trust them to take the life of my dad if it means they get to go home. I sighed as I saw their determination slowly escape their facial expression. They trudged through the grey colored city, without looking at anyone or feeling a single emotion besides devastation. I will help them. I will they save them.

Just a few moments later we happened across a building, a home. One that was so familiar... it was our in city vacation like home. It was the exact same as our lovely one in the Ruins, we called it our New Home. This must be where Asgore has lived all these years. Frisk looked around the place in awe and slowly traveled down the hallway to where the rooms are.

The went all the way down at first, and went into Asgore's room. He had his huge king sized bed taking up half of his room alone. On his desk was his diary style like notebook. I sighed as I read his depressing quote in the margins over and over again on every page, 'Night day today.' Frisk sighed and closed up the book. They opened up his huge closet and a few moths flew out and I noticed there was only two shirts hung up inside. One was a sweater that mom sewed years ago. But the other one brought me to tears, it was his pink 'Mr. Dad Guy' sweater I knitted for him, years and years ago. Frisk must have heard me sniff because they slowly shut the door and moved on to the next room.

Mom's old room was blocked off. I never noticed, but would that mean that mom blocked off dad's old room in her home, didn't she. I sighed again, as Frisk wandered into Asriel and mine's old room. There was one little wrapped gifts right next to my old bed. My bed was covered in dust, it's obviously hasn't been used for a long time. And another wrapped gift next to Asriel's old bed. I blinked back tears as Frisk looked at my drawing of a buttercup flower and an old framed photo of all of us together, although Asriel and I were scribbled out of the drawing. In the gift closest to my bed, was my knife, my worn dagger. So many horrible and also good memories with it. And in the gift closest to Asriel's old bed was two heart shaped lockets that said 'Best Friends' on it. Only one lockets was usable, the other locket was broken. "Frisk, this... this was my room. The bed on the left was mine, the one on the right was Asriel's. That dagger was mine, the one I used to kill some of the people from the orphanage. Those two lockets were also ours, mine is the one the one you can use. I gift you with them. I can't have them anymore, so... yup." I'll admit I was still kinda hard to say good bye to my special possessions. But at least I'm giving it to someone I can trust.

Frisk put on the locket and picked up my knife. Then they turned around and closed the door. Once out the door the started to encounter monsters in dad's home. But they didn't attack, instead they told them of Asriel and my deaths. About how all hope was lost. The only dream everyone has left is to kill Frisk for their soul and finally live on the surface with... humans. Their story was roughly the same as mine, except for how we died part, heh, no one knew about our 'master' plan. Eventually they stood right outside the entrance to the final corridor. That only silent but creepy hallway to the castle. Frisk seemed so scared that they moved at snail-like speed down the long hallway.

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