Chapter 37

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The screams echoed in my head. "Get out... get out... get out... GET OUT... GET OUT... GET OUT OF MY GOD DAMN HEAD!!!!" I started yelling into the white void.

I looked around me and there wasn't a single detail of anything anywhere! Flashes from when I was alive danced around in my vision. Asriel coming out of the shadows when I first met him. My human adoptive parents standing on the porch to our old shack, standing there welcoming me home after a long day in school. Toriel carrying my decaying body after leaving Asgore in the castle. My frozen body jumping into the black abyss below in hopes of killing myself. I squeezed my eyes shut and it didn't stop, it just kept showing me images I thought I moved on from.

"STOP IT! P-PLEASE STOP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I curled up in a ball in pain.

When I opened up my eyes again, my vision started to become blurry, and I noticed the black inky puddle underneath my knelt body. Panicking I realized I was weeping the sticky, oozy, inky colored slime. It stained the hems of my green sweater and the knees of my brown pants.

I felt as if I was watching my self move around in panic. I could feel my movements and breathing have become slower. Red and black spots danced at the edges of my eyes. I felt like I was floating but I knew I wasn't. I jerked up from my curled up ball and I ran in a random direction watch the small black inky pool disappear in the white void. Every once in a while another gooy tear would fall and leave a new puddle, but I just kept running.

After what felt like a millenna of speeding forward, I took a misstep and went tummbling sideways. I collapsed on the cold and blinding white ground and layed there. I panted... I could barely catch my breath. Crying and sprinting might be the cause of that. The tears were endless, I forgot how much the dark teard burned.

I called out into the void, "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME! FRISK SHOWED ME A BETTER PATH, I DON'T HURT NO MORE! PLEASE!! I..." my voice crackled and echoed all around me. "I just wanted to be a better person... I just wanted what was best for my family and friends... you demons think that I did all that horrid stuff for myself?!" I sat up and stared off into the distance.

"Is this hell?" I asked myself. "Am I actually dead this time? Is this what I must go theough to redeem myself? Is this what hell really is? Not endless insanity... but an empty white void of all hope being ripped away from you... after you felt like you where saved by an angel? No..." Echos... echos... and more echos.

I looked down at myself and noticed all my clothes were covered in small patches of black ink. "What the hell...?" I finally noticed that my body was gliching out... like the time I was in the save menu with Frisk... was Frisk dead? Was this a broken place in the world that I couldn't reach? I stood up so I wouldn't be sitting in the puddle of my tears.

Extending my hands in front of me, my soul slowly exited my body. My heart was still the vibrant red it became after I told Frisk my life story in the elevator up to dad's castle... but it was slightly caked in deep black shell. The core of my heart still knew what was good... I just had to find a way to wake up. 'Think, Chara. Think. There has to be a logical answer here... right?' I wondered.

I walked around a bit more, thinking strongly and hoping for a way out. Suddenly, as if it were magic, the void made a loud creaking sound behind me. I spun around while whipping out a ghost knife, in case this void had danger. But there stood, in what appeared to be the corner of the room, a door that lead to nowhere.

I didn't even stop to think as I started to walk over to the door without taking cation. As I got closer I got this sneaking suspicion that someone was watching me. I was 100 feet from the door... 80 feet from the door... 50 feet... I stopped dead in my tracks. In the deep endless door, I was a white, grey, and black figure standing in the doorway.

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