Chapter 47 King Richard

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A month after Henry's burial I was to be crowned King. A fate I had never sought and yet I was prepared and modeled for. It was always a possibility, but never thought it was an eventuality.

Upon Henry's death I was immediately pushed and pulled in every way; everyone wanted or needed something from me. I barely had time for myself and even less for Elisabeth. If I was not within closed doors with the council I was measured for my new robes. Every morning at the wake of dawn I would kiss Elisabeth and leave her alone in our bed and it was late in the hours of the night that I would crawl back into that same bed. We would cross each other and spend a few minutes here and there, but nothing really meaningful.

Some nights I would lay awake next to her and watch her peacefully sleep. Often times I would place my hand on our unborn child and think if I will have to for the two of them in the future.

I thought that once I was King my time would be just that...mine.

It was just a week prior my coronation that I was finally able to spend some real time with my wife. I had finished one of the many council meetings and I waited for the next one to come and after ten minutes Thomas came into the room.

"I have been summoned to come and pluck you from this room and your duties." He said with a bow.

"And who has asked you to pluck me away?"

"Ahhh that my dear...Your Highness is not for me to say. I am here just to take you away as quickly as possible. By force if I had to."

I smiled. "And you think you would be able to take me by force? Me? The King?"

"Today...Your Grace, I answer to a higher authority." He stepped away and showed the way. "If you would be so kind to follow me, please?"

I followed. What else could I do? Through the halls, up the stairs and through doors we walked together. For the next few minutes I was no longer King, I was Richard. Walking side by side and talking to a dear friend.

We came upon a door, on a floor and a wing of the castle I had never been. I looked towards Thomas that simply gave me a wide smile, bowed and walked away.

I stood before a closed door with two guards at either side of it. I did not wait long to open it. To my surprise a beautifully kept garden stood just after the threshold. I walked through it and found my wife sitting on a bed of green grass. Hearing footsteps she looked up and seeing it was me she smiled.

Holding out her hand and said, "Come dearest, do not keep me waiting." I did not.

For the next two hours we were alone, just the two of us, without any disturbance. We talked of our day, we ate and drank. After our meal we laid back on grass and snuggled against each other. Instinctually I placed my hand on our child feeling it move. This was just what I needed. If only things could stay like this.

All too soon our escapade was over and slowly in each other's arms we walked back to reality. We had barely walked back into the castle that Lord Hertford waited for me.

"Your Grace?" He said with a bow. "We have been waiting for you. We need to go through the latest details for the coronation."

Before we went any further I stopped, turned to Elisabeth, took her in my arms and kissed her. "I will see you later tonight. If you can...please dearest wait for me. I need to feel your love. It has been too long."

I bowed to her and walked away with Hertford by my side. While we walked he explained that the invitations were being drawn and will soon be delivered throughout the country to the members of the Royal Family, friends and of court.

The crowning ceremony like most Royal events was a very ornate event. New gowns were made and jewels were sorted to match them. The crown and the scepter were made to shine. Everything was to make perfect even the meal was being prepared since Henry's death was announced.

On the day of the coronation I woke like every other day, with the difference that my attire. After I bathed I put on a long under tunic made of silk and embroidered with gold thread and a pair of braies to match. Winthrop shaved me as I went over the ritual in my head. On this special occasion a long wide purple tunic embroidered with gold and the girdle also made rich use of precious stones and ornaments, a surcoat, golden belt, long stockings and leather shoes finished my assemble.

Once completely dressed I walked out of my room I walked through the halls for the last time as just the Royal Prince. By the end of the day I will walk back these same halls as the new King.

When I arrived at the Great Hall people were running all over the room, preparing it for the festivities. I stood there watching them go through their tasks. Somehow I felt powerless looking at them work. I wanted to help, but I knew not where to begin, so I stood there.

Not long after I caught a glimpse of my wife in one of her fineries. She walked towards me and game me a smile. Just by seeing her I knew everything was going to be fine.

"You look magnificent, my love." And she glowed.

"Thank you dearest. And how are you doing?" She said placing a hand on my arm soothing me as easily. "Are you ready for today?"

I placed my head against hers and breathed her scent. "As long as I have you by my side I can go through anything."

Lord Hertford came too quickly and interrupted our quiet moment. "Excuse me for the interruption Your Grace, but it is time for us to go. Her Ladyship needs to be there beforehand."

She leaned into me and gently said, "I love you Richard. Do not worry you will be just fine. And if you feel too overwhelmed look over at me and I will give you the strength you need." Before I could kiss her she turned and walked away.

Not long after that I walked out and into the awaiting carriage. The trip to the abbey took no time at all and I stood for a few moments. Took a breath and walked through the doors.

The next thing I knew I was walking back out with a crown on my head and my queen at my side. Together we got into the carriage that took us back to Windsor.

The Great Hall was filled with so many people cheering as we walked in.

The dishes were placed on different dressers in the kitchen until the moment they were carried to the tables in the Great Hall of the castle. The Royal table set on a platform was often covered with a table cloth. Each guest upon entering the Great Hall washed their hands and then were shown to their seats. On only special occasions the buffets were set and covered by rich drapes. Upon these buffets the finest plates of gold and silver were displayed. Colored jellies of swans adorned with their feathers, having the beak and feet gilt, were served as a specialty placed on a pedestal in the middle of the table, which represented a and placed on the middle of the table.

The meal consisted of at least five different courses where each course would have numerous of dishes. The first course consisted of a civet of hare, a quarter of stag which had been a night in salt, a stuffed chicken, and a loin of veal. At the end of each side of the table was an enormous pie, surmounted with smaller pies, which formed a crown. The crust of the large pies were silvered all round and gilt at the top and each pie contained a whole roe-deer, a gosling, three capons, six chickens, ten pigeons, one young rabbit, and, no doubt to serve as seasoning or stuffing. For the three following courses, there was a roe-deer, a pig, a sturgeon cooked in parsley and vinegar, and covered with powdered ginger. A kid goat, two goslings, twelve chickens, as many pigeons, six young rabbits, two herons, a leveret, a fat capon stuffed, four chickens covered with yolks of eggs and sprinkled with spice, a wild boar, some wafers and stars. And to accompany or end the meal there were prepared wines, preserves and fruits and various sweet pastries.

While the guests ate their meals music was played, but once the meal over the tables were cleared, hands were washed and a circle of dancers performed the carol-dance, with hands clasped or arms linked, who would take a few steps as all sang the chorus.

By the end of the day Elisabeth and I went to our separate rooms and prepared for the night. Once comfortably attired we met and sat before the roaring fire in the King's quarters.

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