Chapter 31 Lord Richard Brandon

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For the next two weeks our daily routine became the same. We would wake up naked in each other's arms after a night of full passion. We would break our fats with my parents and either we would ride through the grounds or we would dance with our swords, but we had yet to go back to the pond. Even though her body had healed quite well her mind was not completely healed. She needed time and we had the rest of our lives.

The day her brothers left for their homes Elisabeth woke with a sad expression upon her face. Though I tried to remind her that they will always be able to visit her whenever they wished it, she still felt sad to see them go.

"I know they will be able to visit and I thank you dearly, Richard, but it will not be the same to see them every day. I have grown accustomed to having them near me"

"They have their families to go to. You cannot expect them to stay with us much longer. Remember how it is when you and I do not see one another in a few ours. Imagine how they feel after more than a month's time, almost two?"

"You are right and I am just being selfish. I hope you will forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive, Elisabeth. I must own that I am accustomed to their presence as well." I kissed her lovely teary eyes before I took her in my arms for a tight embrace. "Maybe we can go visit them in a few weeks?"

"As much as I would dearly like to see my father, brothers and their families...I do not think I want to see my mother...not just yet."

"We will not have to see her much. We will be with your brothers and their families. You will only maybe see her a few times, but think about it, we will not need to make a decision this very moment."

"You are right and maybe we should go down a give our farewells?"

I took her hand and placed it on the crock of my arm. We took a few steps and she lightly lost her balance, luckily I was there able to catch her in my arms.

"Dearest are you well?"

"Yes, I believe I am. I just felt a little dizzy. It is nothing."

"Are you sure, maybe you are ill."

"Come Richard, my brothers are waiting. I promise that I will come back to our rooms if I feel the dizziness again."

I was not completely satisfied with her answer, but I gave in to her suggestion and together we walked down to the Great Hall. Upon arriving Elisabeth's brothers were laughing and teasing each other. Elisabeth was right their presence and livelihood will be missed.

Charles upon seeing his sister got out of his chair and walked up to her taking her free hand into his. "You dear sister are a bit pale for my taste, come sit and stop crying for there is no need. We will see each other soon."

She let go of my arm and let herself be guided by her brother. "I am just tired, but do not worry yourself I will be well."

My mother walked up to me and whispered, "She truly looks unwell, Richard. I hope you are not keeping her up too much."

I blushed and looked timidly into my mother's eyes. "As much as I would like to take credit for my wife's state of fatigue I assure you, Mother, I believe there is something else. She had been feeling ill these past few days and earlier before leaving our rooms she had a dizzy spell, almost falling. She has assured me that it is nothing, but I am worry. Maybe you could speak to her?"

"You say she has been feeling ill for a few days?" I looked at her and waited for her to say something, but seeing my discomfort she continued, "Oh do not fret dear. I will talk to her and find out what is the matter, but I think she is right. There is nothing serious. Come have something to eat."

As we ate I kept an eye on Elisabeth and was able to notice that she barely ate. She kept moving around the food on her plate, something I had not noticed before, but after my brother's and mother's comments I could not help but to see how pale and indisposed she looked. Have I really imposed my desires on her without a thought of her wellbeing or her desires? She has welcomed me every night. Surely she would have come to me and told me either wise. Would she not? I kept looking at her to the point that I myself did not eat much. If it were not for my mother slightly pushing my elbow I would have not noticed that I was staring at Elisabeth.

She leaned into me and softly spoke to my ear, "You should desist on acting this way, Richard. I am sure that her ailment is nothing to worry, especially if since we do not know what is really troubling her. I will ask my physician to come and see to her, but only if she wishes it. I will not impose on her something she does not desire. Are we clear?"

"Yes, mother, but I cannot help to be in such a state. It is unlike her not to eat; she has always had a sturdy appetite."

"Like I have said Richard, maybe there is nothing a little time will not heal. Now come let us not think about it no more."

How could I not think about it for even the way she is walking holding to her brothers' arms is sign enough to tell me that there is something truly wrong with my wife. Oh dear Lord do not take her from me know that we have finally shared our feelings for one another. I walked with my mother at my arm; together we walked to the main doors and bid our farewells to Elisabeth's brothers.

She turned to each one of her brothers and she would hug them whispering to them. I stood not far, but within enough distance to give them the privacy they needed. As she continued to talk to Robert and Charles, George came to me. They hugged me and took me to the side and spoke in hushed words. "Dear brother, please do take good care of her. She looks tired and frail. I do not know if you saw how little she ate, but please I beg of you make her see a physician. We could not stand losing her after all we have done to get her back." George said.

I nodded with a smile. "This is something I have discussed with my mother and we will have her seen quickly. I promise I will send word if anything is amiss, but Mother assures me that it is nothing that we should worry."

"We thank you Richard. Now it is time for us to go if we want to make it home before the evening meal. I for one cannot anticipate my reunion with my wife and children."

"You are right Charles. I too miss, as silly as they may be, my wife and daughters." Mounting his horse the youngest of the Ashton clan said. He leaned down and gave Elisabeth one last kiss before he said, "Take care sweet sister and remember that you may call on one or all of us if you should need to. We love you dearly."

"And I love you all. Give my best to your wife and my nieces. And do not forget Father."

"We will not. Thank you again for your hospitality My Lords, My Lady. We hope to see you soon in other and better circumstances." George gave and quick nod and motioned his horse to walk.

Elisabeth stood on the stairs and waited for her brothers were no longer visible. She breathed in a small sigh and hanged her head. I walked to her and took her hand wrapping it around my arm. We walked back into the manor in silence and at one point I stopped walking and turned to her.

"Where do you wish to go, my love?"

"I feel a bit fatigued. If you do not mind I would like to go to our rooms and lay down for some time."

"Are you not well? Would you like me to call for the physician?"

"I have not been feeling well. Could you send your mother to me as well? Her presence will suit me well."

We were before the door that led to our chambers. "Of course my love I will do as you ask right away." I took her hand in mine. Kissed it and placing it against my heart I leaned in and kissed her soft lips. "In meant time rest."

A Royal Romanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें