Chapter 4 Lord Richard Brandon

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I stood there with my head throbbing while my parents greeted each one of their guests. When it was my turn I would politely bow, smile and say a few kind words and wish them a good evening. Some were not very handsome and as each one made her introduction I got more and more annoyed of not only the situation but at my parents. Maybe the conversation with them will be stimulating enough to forget their appearances. I could not think what my parents were actually contemplating when they chose the young women presented before me. None were appealing to me. I could not wait for this night to finally end.

When Lord and Lady Durham were finally announced I stood taller trying to see past and beside my father. After their greeting Lord Durham presented his daughter Lady Ashton. Upon seeing her beauty my whole body changed and I even believe that all the pain my body felt had gone. There was no comparison to all the other Ladies, her bright blue eyes and dark chocolate hair made her stand above them all. I had not seen her smile but I could not wait to do so.

I asked her to take a walk together and with some apprehension she accepted. I asked her questions that she shyly answered. Then with fire in her eyes she curtsied, bit me good night and left me there alone to find her mother. What happened? What did I say? I stood there in the middle of the hall looking towards a very animated conversation discussed between mother and daughter. When I saw Lady Durham not only grab hold of her daughter's am but slap her daughter in front of all I quickly walked towards them. I arrived just when Lady Ashton ran from her mother and into me. The chock of her small body against mine almost made her fall back. I had to reach out and take a hold of her. She laid her small hands on my chest and I could feel their heat through my garments. Good G-d, she is caressing me. I need to control myself. It took all the power in me to ask her for a private audience, but she did not want to hear of it. She fled from me yet again.

I asked Lady Stafford to be excused and went looking went immediately looking for my parents.

"What happened, Richard? Why did Lady Ashton leave you in such a fashion?"

"I might have said something that she did not appreciate. It was meant as a jest, but do not fear I will make things better. I wanted to ask of you if you had seen Lady Durham's behavior towards her daughter just minutes before. She slapped Elisabeth across the face in front of all our guests."

"She slapped her? It is not possible."

"I assure you mother she did and it was possible. Let us not make a scene now. But before I leave know that I have made my decision. I will marry Lady Ashton." With those words I bowed to my parents and walked towards Lady Essex for a dance. Even though I had made my decision I still had to be social with the rest of our guests.

For the rest of the night I walked through the Great Hall and talked with each one of the ladies that had come all this way to make my acquaintance. As I gave each lady my time my mind went back to Lady Elisabeth and her eyes flooding with tears. I cannot believe a mother could be so cruel to her own daughter. I hoped this was a onetime incident, but somehow I doubt it. Elisabeth looked so fragile running away.

At the end of the evening my father asked to see me. With complete certainty I walked to his chambers. We discussed my decision, he wanted to make sure I had thought through it correctly before announcing my choice. To me it was evidently clear that Eli...Lady Elisabeth Ashton was the right woman to be my wife.

I clearly told them that I knew from the moment I had laid my eyes on her that she was the one. Went on explaining what made her special and what the others lacked. Even went on to explained of the fire she had when she excused herself and walked away from me. None had shown that kind of spirit not even when taking them for a tour of the hall. They had all complimented me, agreed with me and none had a single amount of passion when they spoke.

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