Chapter 3 Lady Elisabeth Ashton

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We arrived at the main gates of Deswood Hall but we took a bit longer than what it had been expected. The carriage door was opened and His Lordship stepped out first. He helped his wife down and then stretched out his hand to help me stepped down.

Lord Hertford, right hand to the Duke of Stafford, greeted us. "Welcome to Deswood Hall, Your Grace. Please follow me I will take you to your chambers. I hope you had a pleasant trip?"

"We thank you Lord Hertford. It has been a long day for all of us. We would greatly appreciate being able to rest before tonight's banquet."

"My Lord how much time do we have before the banquet? My daughter needs to prepare. We all need to ready." Lady Durham asked walking and looking all around the main hall. I could not help but to imagine all the thinking going through her head even imagining that her daughter could soon be mistress of such a great estate. Her pride grew each walking step, I could easily see it. I could easily see her counting the ornaments and trying to find the cost of all the items she saw before her.

"You are to be in the Great Hall at sun down at 6. You will be presented one after the other. Lady Ashton being the daughter of a Duke will be the last. Once the presentations done His Lordship, Lord Brandon will dance and have some time with each lady. Normally tomorrow before the mid-day repast the choice will be made and His Grace, Lord Stafford, will make the announcement at that time. Now here we are these are your apartments, My Lord, My Lady; we hope it is to your liking. Lady Ashton, if you will be so kind to come with me. Your chambers are this way."

"Elisabeth, mind your rest. I will be back in two hours to help you get prepared. Maybe I should come with you and see if everything is as it should be. I do hope that they have given you the appropriate room as some one of your status should."

"Lady Durham, if you please. Let the girl settle and we will see to her once you have viewed your own rooms." My father said taking her by the arm into the room.

"You are quite right My Lord. I will see you after before it is time to come down."

I nodded and walked with Lord Hertford through the halls towards my chambers. It did not take too long to arrive and he motioned to the door leading into my rooms. I thanked him and walked into a tastily furnished large room. The bed was placed in the middle of the room with a door at each side. I could only imagine that one could lead into the dressing room and where the bath would most likely be set up. A roaring fire warmed the air in the room.

"Lady Ashton?"

"Lillian! Oh I am so glad that you are here. We have had no time to talk about this. What am I going to do?" I was relieved to see my old dear nurse. Throughout the years Lillian has become the one person I would go to for just about anything, my mother of a sort.

"We need to get you out of these clothes and into bed before your mother comes in here and instructs me again on how to make sure you rest for at least an hour. I see you will not be able to rest if you do not tell me what is on your mind."

"I am to meet Lord & Lady Stafford and their son...Lord... I am embarrassed to say that I do not know his name."

"Your mother has not mentioned his name to you?" Seeing me shake my head she continued, "His name is Lord Richard Brandon and he is not Lord Stafford's son, but his grandson. Lord Brandon's parents died when he was two or three years old. He has known Lord and Lady Stafford as his only parents." She continued to give me as much information as she had while she aided me to disrobe and into my night dress.

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