Chapter 16 Lord Richard Brandon

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The next morning when I opened my eyes I found my wife's body tightly in my arms. I looked at her beautiful peaceful face and I knew that from this moment on that I belonged to her and she belonged to me. I have been blessed to find her. It was not heaven, it was not earth, it was not even hell... it was just perfect being in her arms.

I slowly removed my arm from around her and gently placed her body against a pillow. Before completely withdrawing from the bed I watched her sleep. I could not help but to place a kiss on her still bruised lips. She stirred, but did not awake. When I walked to relieve myself and wash for the day I found Winthrop quietly getting my things ready for the day.

"My Lord, how..."

"Quietly Winthrop, Lady Brandon is still sleeping. Could you find Lillian and ask her to come here please? Once I am ready, I would like to speak to her."

"But of course My Lord, right away."

I took a very deserving warm bath and I almost felt sorrow that I had to remove her scent from my body. Once washed and dressed I slowly walked out of through the servants' corridor and found Lillian waiting for me.

"Lillian thank you for coming." She curtsied to my words.

"I am here to serve you My Lord."

"No Lillian, you are here to serve my wife, not me. You are a very special and dear to my wife and I could never thank you for all that you have done for her. Since the announcement of our nuptials, she and I have spoken often of her past life with her mother. Because of you my wife is the woman that she is today. I know that things could have been different if you were not around. So thank you Lillian. Thank you for taking so good care of Elisabeth."

Lillian discreetly wiped the tears from her face. "My Lord, it was not only my duty, but my pleasure." Clearing her throat before crying again she continued, "Is Lady Brandon ready for me?"

"No, she is till sleeping in my...our chambers. This is why I have asked you to come. Elisabeth and I have discussed it and we have decided to share my chambers as our own. I would like for her, if she is not too tired today to make my room...our room. If she desires to add or remove something she has my consent. Would you please help her?" Seeing her nod I gave her one last request before I went down to see the cook and prepare our outing. Not able to find her I went back to our chambers and found Lilian cleaning out one of Elisabeth's dress. "We are to go ridding this morning. If she is not..."

"I thought I heard voices. Good morning My Lord!"

Seeing her bright eyes looking at me I could not help myself but to walk to her and take her in my arms and kiss to those luscious lips of hers.

With hazy eyes she took her look from me towards Lillian and said, "Lillian, good morning. We must make haste for I have a very important date with my husband. We are to go ridding together and will not be back until it is time for the evening meal. Could you help me chose the best gown, please?"

"Of course My Lady. Excuse me My Lord." She curtsied and walked back into our chambers leaving me in the darken corridor with my wife in my arms. I kissed her deeply holding her tightly. I could never get enough of kissing her and if it was not for the sound of steps walking our way I think I would had lasted all morning. I quickly took her hand and guided her towards her chambers, but once there I could not let her go. Seeing that there was no one inside I pushed her against the wall and took her lips. I found the courage to pull away and placed my head against hers.

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