Chapter 18 Lord Richard Brandon

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"Elisabeth?" I caressed her back and yet she still did not wake. After our lovemaking I held her tightly and seeing that she had fallen asleep on me and since I did not dare to move her, I too fell asleep. I awoke and found that the sun no longer hovered over the trees as it had when we had arrived. So I began to wake Elisabeth. "Dearest? It is almost time for us to go."

"I am not ready to go I like it here too much."

I could not help but smile at her words. "I do too, but I would like for us to bath in the water before we leave and it gets too cold. Come, my love."

She opened her sweet smoky blue eyes and gave me a very endearing smile. "I like it when you say such things."

"What? When I call you My Love?" Blushingly she nodded. "Dearest?" She leaned in and kissed me. "My heart, my pet."

She giggled. "Yes just that."

I stood with her still in my arms and placed her feet on the ground. Together we released our bodies from the existing garments and stood there naked for some time. I took her hand and walked with her into the cooling water. The farther we walked the closer her body was against mine. At one point I was still able to stand but she was no longer capable so I placed her arms around my neck and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

Gently I washed her inner folds the cooling water. As I pushed my hand to wash her, her eyes filled with desire and her moved formed a small little "oh". I was lucky to be so near if not I would not have been able to hear. It did not take me long to have her ridding my hand and fingers. Against my ear I could feel and hear her powerful release. She convulsed slightly in my arms and once the wave calmed she kissed my neck and cheeks. Holding her tightly in my arms a shrieking screamed came out of her mouth.

I pulled her away from me and I noticed her eyes widen with fear. "Elisabeth, what is it?"

"I saw someone in the bushes. He was looking at us. When I screamed and you turned he had gone."

"Let us get back to the manor."

We had not reached the shore that Captain Gray and few of his men were running towards us with their swords at hand. I instantly pushed Elisabeth behind me covering her naked body with mine.

"What happened, My Lord? We heard a scream." He leaned down and grabbed the blanket and handed it to me. He turned and mentioned for his men to turn as well.

I wrapped Elisabeth in it. "Elisabeth saw a man looking at us and when she screamed he ran off into the woods."

"I saw him over the other side of the bank near the rocks over to the right." Elisabeth pointed towards the direction. She covered quickly her body with the blanket.

Captain Gray mentioned for some of the men to go towards that direction and see if the intruder could be found. "Excuse me for asking, My Lady, but are you sure it was not one of our men?"

"He was not dressed with our colors Captain. He was dressed less civil."

"Of course, Lady Brandon, I needed to ask. My Lord maybe we should head back to the manor."

"Captain would you just give us a few minutes till we are dressed. We ca not possibly leave like this."

Captain Gray nodded and while I helped Elisabeth with her gown he went on placing everything back into the bag. Once I was sure she was ready I dressed. When I was putting on my last garment the other men came back dragging a man between them.

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