Chapter 17 Lady Elisabeth Brandon

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While His Lordship walked down with a spring to his step I washed and with Lillian's help I was able to choose the best dress possible for our outing. The thought of him being close to me made the butterflies in my stomach rise and fall with delight. A feeling I had never felt before.

"Your bath is ready, My Lady. You do not want him to be impatient and wait for you too long? Do you? My Lady? Elisabeth?"

"Yes Lillian?"

"What in heaven's name are you thinking about?"

"Oh I am sorry Lillian. I was only day dreaming." I blushed trying to keep my eyes from hers.

"Of that handsome husband of yours I can imagine." She said with a devious smile on her lips.

"Yes. Did you know that we are to share only one of our chambers, his of course? I do not mind, but we need to get started on putting some of my belongings in there. We could do that later, but now I need to dress. What do you think Lillian is it not good news?"

"Yes it is My Lady and I am happy to see you with a permanent smile. I gather that things are going well between the two of you?"

"Last night when you..."

"You may tell me all about it while you bathe, if you do not we will be here all day and no ridding for you."

I nodded and sat in my warm watered bath continuing to tell her all that transpired between Richard and myself. "Is it possible to care for someone so much in such a short time? Las night when you left he came we talked for some time. I was scared that he was wanting to bed me again, but after we spoke that he was willing to wait I felt the reassurance that no matter what I did or say to him he would never be angry at me or would he dare hit me. I felt so safe that as he was leaving I asked him to stay. He brought me into his arms with such force and when his lips took mine...I never knew a kiss can undo me so easily. Then took his leave and told me he will be waiting for me in our chambers. It took me not much more time to undress and put on my night clothes.

"When I walked in to the room there was just the fire burning and he was waiting for me looking out the window. At first he did not see me but once I put my hand on him I lost time. We loved each other twice; well actually he made sure I had some pleasure before we loved one another and this morning yet again before you came in here."

"I am truly happy for you Poppet. He is a good man. He has asked me to help you change whatever you wish in your new chambers. He is very willing to make you happy. Come, you have lasted long enough in this bath and you still need to dress and have your morning meal before you may go ridding."

I nodded and before long I was ready and on my way to break my fast. Though I thought the hour was late it seemed that I was not yet the last one to come down. I took my seat and began to eat, when my new mother walked arm in arm with my husband. At first he did not see me sitting waiting for him, he was too enthralled with the conversation he was having with Lady Stafford, but once he noticed my presence he kissed his mother tenderly and came to sit by my side taking my hand up to his lips and gently laying a kiss upon it. Just that small gesture made the butterflies inside me flutter.

Lady Stafford walked towards us placing a hand on her son's shoulder she asked me if I had slept well. Of course I did, in Richard's arms how could I not? But that was something I was not able to say to her. I simply thanked her for her concern.

"What are your plans for today, my dear? Would you like to visit something in particular together?" She noticed the look that Richard and I share and she quickly added, "Or do you have plans together?"

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