Chapter 37 Lord Richard Brandon

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The trip home was not long, but my patience to see Elisabeth and tell her of everything that went on during my stay at Windsor was over whelming and making the ride too long for my taste. When the carriage finally stopped at the main door I had hoped Elisabeth was waiting for me next to my mother.

"Welcome back!" My mother said as she hugged her husband. She received a tender kiss from him and she blushed beautifully making her even more charming. After composing herself she turned and greeted me. "We were not expecting you so soon, but I am glad you have come back. If you are searching for your wife I believe she is out in the gardens." I was moving away when I felt my mother's hand on my arm holding me back. "I think you must know that she is a bit under the weather. She received a few letters from her family wishing her joy, but it was not their letters that affected her it was..."

"No need to say more, mother. I can only imagine what Lady Durham has written. Thank you for informing me. Now if you will excuse me I will go find her." I quickly walked through the halls towards the door that would not only lead me to the gardens but to my wife.

I found her sitting on a bench not far from the center of the covered garden. Though she looked tired and worried, she had a beautiful glow around her. Her hand, placed on her mid-section, rubbing gently the babe found beneath. As much as I wanted to stand there and watch her I made a small move towards her.


At the sound of my voice she turned her head. Her eyes widened and she stood. "Richard? You are home!"

It took me just a few steps to get to her and wrapped my arms around as she wrapped hers around my neck. I held her tightly and our lips found each other. Feeling her body against mine was a delight. I had not noticed how perfectly they fitted together. Pulling slightly I saw her bright eyes shining with tears.

"You are crying, why is that?"

"I am happy to see you. How was your trip?" I helped her sit.

I sat at her side holding her hands in mine. Just the small gestured was comforting. I cleared my throat and began to tell her of all that happened. She patiently listened asking a few questions now and then. When I finished I could see her mind working in all directions.

"Would you wish for me to clarify something you might not have understood?"

"Thank you, I do. Why did your father renounce his rightful place? I do not understand his decision."

"Father fears that he is too old for taking such a responsibility. He thinks that I am much better suited; my youth is one of his main reasons. Believe me I never thought the day will come that I would be in a direct line for the throne."

"Will we have to move?"

"No, there is no need for us to move. We will have to travel to Windsor. There will be an official banquet before the entire realm. Our status will change and even our name will change as well."

"And if the King has a son? We will simply step down and our lives will continue as always?"


"Then let us pray that his Majesty has a son. Come it is time for the evening meal. Our child is hungry and so is his mother."

I stood and took her hands in mine. Together we walked back in to the mannor and in to the Great Hall where my parents were waiting. Elisabeth released my arm and went to greet my father with a warm embrace and a quick kiss on the cheek.

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