Chapter 8 Lord Brandon

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The next day after breakfast with my parents, I accompanied my betrothed and mother to what soon will be Elisabeth's new chambers. I kept my eyes on her watching how she looked at every item. It did not cease to amaze me how much she still wanted to have her mother's approval even now as they looked at her future chambers. Luckily my mother was able to reassure her that her mother's opinion was not needed.

While my mother and future wife walked the halls of Carrington manor I went to find Elisabeth's father and speak to him about her.

"My daughter is a tender soul. You have noticed how much she seeks approval from her mother. Now that she is to be your wife you must help her understand that the only approval she should seek and needs is yours. I know that her mother has been cruel to her so many times through the years, but I ask you to show her love. Elisabeth is the kind of person that will give you her heart and respect from the start. Do not break it or lose it car believe me if you do you will never get it back. I have lost it for not defending her to her mother and to be honest I regret it dearly. Talk to her and inform her of the choices you might need to make. Share with her your worries do not keep her in the dark nor lie to her.

"She is a very shy and sometimes insecure woman, but when she trusts you she will show you who she really is, need only ask my sons. In their presence Elisabeth is more vibrant, more daring even more alive. They share the joy of life together and it does not surprise me how much they love each other. It was Henry, my oldest that first taught Elisabeth to ride in secret mind you, but I do not mind as long as I saw her smile. For when she genuinely gives you a smile it is the most breathtaking sight you would ever see.

"Believe me there is no one more caring and loyal than Elisabeth. If you are lucky to have her love...cherish it for you will not find any other more pure than hers."

With Lord Stafford's words, I kept thinking of the wonderful woman I had chosen to be my wife. She had so little shown me of her true feelings. She would often look down at her feet and avoid my eyes. After talking with her father I now understood better the young woman.

"Lady Ashton told me that she has learned, from her brothers, how to sword fight. Is this true?"

"She mentioned this to you? Then she must trust you. This is something she keeps very quiet. If her mother found out..."

"You have my word, Your Grace it would not be heard from my lips."

"Good. Yes she is a wonderful swordsman. She has practiced often with her brothers. My son Henry taught her. He said that his baby sister would learn how to defend herself, in case her brothers were not able to come to her quickly enough. If I remember well she even brought him down to his knees once. It would be George or William that might tell you the story."

Looking up at me and with a little sparkle in his eyes he continued, "So My Lord are you still glad you chose my daughter?"

"More than ever, Your Grace, more than ever."

We walked into the Great Hall for our noon meal and I found my beloved. My beloved? Could I actually start calling as such? She has been my betrothed for less than a day and I am already calling her my beloved. Once the extenuating meal over the Deswood party walked back to their rooms and get ready for their trip back home.

I walked through the halls not knowing where I was going but thinking of how much I was going to miss her. We had met but two days prior and my heart ached at the thought that I will not be able to see her for a week. I found myself in front of what would be her chambers. Hearing a noise coming form in side I gently pushed the door opened a little more and found Elisabeth watching each chamber maid clearing the room up for the future mistress. I could not help to smile at the face she made when she found me leaning against the door.

Not long after arriving at the main entrance I helped Lady Ashton into the carriage. Once the carriage was no longer in sight I did not see the point in staying there and so I walked back to my chambers. Lying on my bed, fully clothed, I closed my eyes, but I could only see the look in her eyes I saw when she was inside the carriage. Maybe I have moved to quickly and she is frightened of me. I will have to remind myself not to push her. How was I to let her know that she could trust me? These thoughts were getting me more and more distressed and in a very foul mood.

I decided to go ridding. Not only did I need the fresh air I also needed to keep my mind occupied away from thinking of Lady Ashton. Rode long and fast wherever my horse would take me through the plains of the family estate. God this week is going to be long. How is it possible that this woman has gotten so deep inside me?

For the next couple of days I occupied myself in making sure the future Lady Brandon's new chambers were properly cleaned and prepared for her arrival. I wanted and needed to make sure that everything was just right. With my mother's help I would often look over the final touches. No minor detail was left without our final approval.

The night before my trip to Elisabeth's family home, Lord Hawthorn decided to throw me a feast with just a few of his closest friends. That meant that they were mostly female. Though normally always ready to enjoy their charms, this particular night I had no desire to do so. I had preferred watch Hawthorn amuse his lady friends while I enjoyed a glass of endless wine.

"Come Richard I will not have you sit there with just your wine in one hand. Take Martha in your other hand and enjoy the night for tomorrow you leave us to be with your lovely future wife. Martha..." Looking at the young maid who straddled him. With her long legs around his hips he continued, "...take His Lordship for the rest of the night and make him forget all his sorrows. Do not forget ladies that when Lord Brandon comes back to us he will be a married man so enjoy him as much as you can."

Martha was one of the few women I had enjoyed bedding. She knew what I liked and was always willing and above all not very demanding of my time. The temptation was there, but I felt that even if I was not yet married I had devoted myself body and heart to Elisabeth. As Martha approached bear chested swaying her round hips I stood and gently thanked Martha for her willingness, but that I was not in the mood. Kissing her cheek turned her and gave a good pat on her round bottom sending her back on her way. Squeaking she walked back to sit next to one of the other ladies.

"Richard you are mad to pass on such charms. Does she not tempt you? Do any of these ladies not make your blood burn with desire?" Seeing me, his dear old friend, shake my head with an exasperated look on his face Thomas said, "You are not yet married old friend and she already has a hold of you by your manhood. What will it be like when you are finally wed?"

"I thank you, Thomas, for what you are doing for me tonight. The entertainment, the drinks, the games, but this is no longer who I am. You know too well that I am not like you. I devote myself to one woman at a time. To me Eli...Lady Ashton is my wife and even if the ladies before me are very tempting my honor will not let me betray her like this. Please understand Thomas. I will stay all night drinking and playing cards, but I will not touch the ladies as lovely as they may be. You will respect this or I will be on my way."

We looked at into each other's eyes, but seeing my determination Lord Hawthorn nodded in agreement.

The reset of the night the two of us and Hawthorn's guest enjoyed of evening of drinking and card playing. In the early hours of the morning I had as much as I had needed and wanted, and when I got up on wobbly legs I saw Thomas coming back to the room with Martha in his arms and another I could not recall her name. Upon seeing me still in the room Martha reached between Thomas' waist-band, caressed his manhood and kissed him hungrily. Thomas pulled her hand out.

"If you will like to continue to enjoy my services to you, Madam, I suggest to be with me because you enjoy being with me not to make someone else jealous. Do I make myself clear to you?"

Without a single glance back to either of us Martha walked out of the room barely making out the door. I have got to give it to Thomas he might be a rake but he was a rake with principals. I hugged him and thanked him a gain for an excellent night, bid him farewell and went to my rooms for a few hours of sleep.

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