Chapter 25 Lord Richard Brandon

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As we walked up the main stairs I could feel Elisabeth's body shaking. She tried to reassure me by telling me that she was just hungry, but as much as I would have loved to believe her I knew it was something else. Quickly I placed her on our bed and when I kissed her forehead I felt the fever invading her body.

Seeing the expression on my face, she smiled and gently placed her hand on my cheek. "I will be well."


"Please do not fret Richard it might just be one of the wounds that might have infected some."

I sighed and held her gaze as I kissed her the inside of her wrist holding it tighter against my face. "You must tell me when you are unwell, Elisabeth. I cannot...I cannot sit here and believe all is well when you hide things like this from me. You have become more than just my life and I could not stand loosing you especially now that I have you back."

"Richard I..."

"Please let me finish." I helped her sit up and started removing her dress. "I know that we have only been married for a little more than two weeks and for the most part of the time we have been apart. You have suffered like none of us will ever suffer, I...I could never imagine what you have gone through, but the thought of losing you is just unbearable." I had removed her stockings and braies before I started on her smock. "So please...Elisabeth whenever you are unwell...tell me so that I may be able to help you and not feel useless." I caressed her face whipping her silent tears. I leaned in and kissed her less swollen lips.

"I apologize Richard. I will be more careful and...I promise that if I feel unwell again I will let you know."

I helped her to lie back and began to look at every one of her wounds. I checked the ones across her chest; my eyes followed the process of my hands and luckily they were too small to get infected. As I checked throughout her entire front part of her body I found nothing. Then when she turned I found one of the gashes on her foot had doubled in size and the color was not what it should be. I placed a blanket on her body just leaving only her foot out in the open.

At that moment a knock on our door interrupted me. When I opened it I found our brother George with his hands full with our meal and drinks. I motioned for him to come in.

"Here you are. Is she resting?"

I shook my head. "It seems that she has a small infection in one of her wounds. Her right foot has an infected wound and I was just about to administer the ointment when you arrived."

"Do you need my help?"

"I thank you, but I think I will be able to manage."

"If you should need anything do call on me. I guess she will have to be carried around. She should not be walking on it anymore."

"Thank you again George and if you will excuse me I need to take care of not only my wife's foot but her stomach."

After I closed the door behind him I got back to my wife's foot and continued to make sure the ointment was well administered and then I wrapped it tightly.

"Now my dear as I get our meal, that your dear brother George was so kind to bring to us, you will put on your sleeping chemise." I placed the garment on the bed near for her while I went to get the plate.

We ate and afterwards she took her potion, hopefully it will help her fight the fever. Maybe by the evening meal she will be feeling better. Not far after she fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow. I gathered our plates and summoned a maid to take it away. While she slept our luggage was prepared for our departure in the morning. Several times I would check if the fever had gone down, but she still felt hot not worse but not better. When I finished with the help of Lilian and Winthrop our trunks I walked back to our bed and was relieved to notice that her fever had finally gone. George was right if we want to keep the infections away, Elisabeth needed to be carried around.

"Elisabeth?" She opened her eyes and sweetly looked at me. "Would you like to prepare for the meal or would you rather stay up here? I could have it brought up."

"I am more for a quiet meal and I do not want to see everyone. We are to leave in the morning I think it would be only best."

I made the necessary arrangements and when it was time we ate in the privacy of our room. We talked and for the first time in two days I heard her laugh. Even her eyes sparkled all that was missing was for her the lovely rosy complexion to come back to her cheeks. We turned in to bed early so that in the morning we could leave right after breaking our fast. A six day trip was not going to be easy.


The next day as the first soft rays of light pierced the thick curtains I watched Elisabeth's soft fragile body sleep quietly and peacefully. It would actually be a shame to wake her, but if we wanted to make it back home by the end of the week we had to start moving. With much regret I gently caressed her soft skin waking her from her deep slumber. The more I caressed her the more she stirred until her lashes flattered open and her beautiful eyes looked at me. I smiled seeing that her eyes were beginning to finally open.

Caressing her cheek with my fingers I said, "It is time to get out of the bed and begin our trip, my love. How are you feeling this morning? I have noticed that the fever has gone and your night was much more peaceful."

"You are dressed?" Seeing me nod she continued, "Would you call for a bath? I must get our things..."

"I took care of that yesterday while you slept. All you need to do is get yourself ready."

When I came back to our chambers Elisabeth was just finishing braiding her hair.

She looked up at me with a smile. "There you are. You have come for me?"

I walked towards her and placed myself behind wrapping my arms around her waist. "I will always come for you." She turned and wrapped her arms over me placing her head against my chest. Rubbing lightly her back I had to interrupt our moment. "If you are ready we should head down to break our fast."

"To tell you the truth I cannot wait to be back at home, see father and even see Lady Durham." I chuckled. "Let us break our fast, husband. The quicker we eat the quicker we go home."

We walked towards the Great Hall and sat at the table where everyone else had begun their meal. Not long after that we stood to say our farewells. Though Elisabeth did not say a word I could tell that she was full of emotions. She was leaving her brother to the people that fought against us not too long ago.

I walked to her side and waited for her to finish.

"I will give our farther your best. I am to give you the same advice you once gave me so long ago." He laughed. "Respect her as you would like for her to respect you." She cupped his cheek with a light hand. "If you ever need may always count on me."

"I know that you are anxious to leave this place, but do come back whenever you wish. I will truly miss you Poppet." Turning to face me he said, "Take care of her. You know how precious she is to all of us."

"I do and I will, you may count on me."

We mounted our horses and began our return home.

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