Chapter 38 Lady Elisabeth Brandon

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The light of the new sun shone through the heavy curtains in our room. I flew out of the bed to find a chamber pot. The uneasy feeling came back and all the meal I had so eagerly eaten the night before found itself out of my body. Between moments of relief I looked back at our bed and saw that Richard was still a sleep and the last thing I wanted was to wake him with my ailments.

A wave on nausea came over me and I continued to see into the chamber pot. I felt a strong hand grab a hold of my hair and pull it back away from my face while a hand soft rubbed at my back.

"I am hear Elisabeth. All will be well. Remember not far from now we will hold our child in our arms and all this be a souvenir."

I could not even acknowledge his words for my mouth was distastefully occupied. Finally when nothing else was left in my stomach I sat back on my feet. He grabbed a small washing cloth and pours some water wringing out the excess before wiping my mouth with it.

"I'm sorry." My eyes locked into his and I began to cry for no apparent reason.

He took me in his arms and just held me there until my crying stopped.

"Please Elisabeth there is no need to apologize. If from what mother has said, your emotions heightened with the pregnancy and as times goes by it will either get worse or stop completely."

"It cannot be worse than this it will be a nightmare. Oh will you survive this. Maybe I should go to my rooms..."

"Elisabeth. This is your room...our rooms. I will not have you sleep in another room besides ours. Am I making myself clear?" I nodded. "Good. Now come we might as well get washed and dressed before we catch a chill."

He stood before me and took my hands in his helping me to my feet. We got washed and dressed quickly and before long we headed down to the Great Hall to break our fast.


During the next few weeks my humor was all over the place. I would be happy one moment and the next I would be crying into Richard's arms. My stomach was a different thing. In the beginning I would visit the chamber pot only in the morning but then it was at any time of the day. I would be walking with Richard through the gardens peacefully talking and the feeling would take over me and all I could do was relieve myself.

But no matter where I was Richard was always at my side holding back my hair and rubbing my back offering words of comfort.

"I wish I could make it all better for you my love."

"I know Richard, but it is the way to finally having our child in our arms. Have you thought of a name?"

He helped me up and we continued walking. "I have and I quite like the name of Robert or William if we have a son."

"And if we have a daughter? What would you like to name her?"

"Anne or Catherine."

"Well then we have chosen the names of our four children to come."

"Would you really want to have four?"

"I come from a large family and I always thought I was lucky to have them. I know you were an only child and did not have the joy I had. It was at times very noisy, we would often get in great debates, but in the end I would not change it for the world."

"Then as soon as this one is born we will have the others as well."

We walked back to the main entrance and into the Great Hall where a rider was waiting to be attended.

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