Chapter 46 Queen Elisabeth

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When we got to our rooms, behind the closed doors the sense of relief was over flowing. I could see that Richard's patience was at its limit and he needed to get away from them all. If it was too much for me I could only imagine how it felt for him.

I called for both Winthrop and Lilian and not more than 5 minutes later they were both coming through the servant's door. Silently Winthrop took Richard towards his dressing room and helped him remove his attire and into something more comfortable for the night.

As Richard did his nightly ritual I did mine with Lilian. Not a word was mentioned, but the feeling of incomprehension was very present and there was really nothing we could do. When dressed with my night clothes I got into bed and waited for Richard. Not long after he came through his dressing room door and walked towards the fireplace. He stood there watching the flames dance with heat. I quietly watched him waiting for him to say something.

He just stood there without saying a word. I silently got out of bed and walked towards him. Upon reaching him I placed my cheek on his back and my arms around his waist.

"You did the right thing."

"In regards to what?"

"The Royal Chambers."

"Good God Elisabeth. The man has not been dead more than a few hours and they expected us to take over his rooms just like that? I could not let them do that." He grabbed my hands in his.

"Maybe before you move into the King's Room we may have some changes done to your taste. Make it yours, just like I will make to mine."

He turned around in my arms and lifted my face so that our eyes met. "I will not have you sleeping anywhere else than in my bed. You are still my wife not just my Queen."

I smiled and leaned up to place a kiss on his lips. "Maybe we should get to bed, My King. It has been a long day and I believe they are only starting."

We got into bed and together, in each other's arms, we fell asleep. While he slept I thought of all that had happened to us since we have met. It had only been a little more than 7 months. And in that time so many things have happened, so many lifetimes and still that was just the beginning.

When I finally woke the next morning, I found Richard's side of the bed empty, but a note from him, asking that I stay in our bed as long as I had to. "...remember my love you are carrying our child and the heir of our nation. I never thought I would ever say the latter, but here it is and this is our future and I would not be able to live through all that is a head without you by my side..."

Slowly I got out of bed and walked towards my dressing room where I found Lilian getting my things ready. She made a deep curtsy and asked how I was feeling. Quickly I did my morning routine and left the room to find Queen Mary. I did not take me long to find. She was kneeling in prayer before her husband's lifeless body.

I knelt at her side and began to pray not only for the King before me, but for the woman at my side. No matter how hard I tried I could not imagine what she was going through. To be the Queen one moment and the other just another member of court. Just thinking of her and the kind of future she might have, broke my heart. I promised myself before God and Henry that I would do everything in my power to make her life easier and comfortable.

A small frail voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Thank you Elisabeth. Thank you for being here."

"Where else would I be?"

"You could be by Richard's side before Court, like everyone else."

I placed my hand on hers and calmly said, "Richard does not need me as you do. He has his advisors at his side and if he should really need me, he will let me...OH..."

"Are you well? Has the baby moved?"

"I do not know. How will I know if he has?"

Mary took my hand in hers and placed it on my stomach. Moving it around until the same feeling from inside came back. "There, did you feel that Elisabeth." At my nod she continued, "That my dear is your child letting you know that he is well. Congratulation, my dear, he seems very healthy."

I smiled while smoothing over my bump with my hand. My baby was growing. I wanted to run out of the room towards Richard and let him feel our child move, but it would have to wait. Everything about us was now would come second, the Kingdom was first. It was not going to be easy, but I knew this was now my life.

I looked towards Mary and got off our knees. "Have you eaten anything this morning Mary?" She shook her head and before she could say anything and protest I asked for a tray to be brought for the two of us. "You need to eat Mary. Henry would want you to keep your strength for what is to come."

When our meal arrived we sat in the antechamber and at first we ate quietly, but after sometime Mary began talking on the day she and Henry met. She was only 8 years old and was married at the same age as I did. Mary only a few years older than me is now a widow and back to being a simple member of court.

Just a few moments after our meal was removed Richard walked into the room. Both Mary and myself stood and fell into a deep curtsy. He reached me and helped me up giving me a small kiss upon my cheek, then turned to Mary and asked, "How are you fairing today Mary? I hope you have eaten something."

"I am doing well enough, Your Highness." She answered with a small bow of her head.

He took her hand in his and looking into her eyes said, "You must dispense from calling me thus when it is just the three of us. Not so long ago you were my Queen."

"Yes I know this Richard, but you are now my King and you must be addressed as such. Even by me." He gave her a short nod. "How was your first counsel?"

&é"I tried to be open minded with their suggestions, but they are eager for me to make quick decisions that personally do not feel they are needed at this moment. May we please change discussions, I am weary of this one." Taking a step closer to me he brought his arms around my waist. "And how are you feeling today, dearest?"

"I felt our child move. Mary says he is growing strong and I believe he will just like his papa."

"Or maybe she will be like her mama." He placed a hand on my stomach and I placed one over his hand. "Are you not wanting for some rest?"

"I am doing well and there is no need to worry. We had our midday meal together and have been discussing a few maters, but I promise it was nothing too extenuating. Have you eaten something Richard?" Seeing shake his head I ordered him something to be brought up quickly.

While we waited for his meal we discuss the Royal Funeral, the date and its formalities. Henry's funeral was to be in two days' time. Court members had to be notified and given enough time to arrive for the ceremony. I could the conversation was making Mary very uncomfortable, but we all needed to know what it is to come and I could not help to feel pain for Mary.

The next day we kept the same routine – we would wake up at separate times and while Richard met with his council I visited with Mary and prayed at her side. Richard hen would join us after his meeting and would break his midday meal with us. The rest of the day we would spend sharing different memories of Henry. Though I barely knew him, I shared the most memorable moment of my short acquaintance with him.

"I remember the first time I met Henry. For the first time after a week of pure torture I had walked out the dungeon behind Agostin and Henry walked in the Great Hall and as all those around me kneeled before him I staggered. I had no idea who the man before me was and he just walked up to me giving me kindness."

The morning of the funeral Richard and I woke earlier than usual, early enough to be dressed, for the first time, with our Royal crest sawn into our clothes. We broke our fast in our rooms and once finished we walked towards to the King's rooms. As tradition would have it, it was up to the new King and Queen to help prepare the late King's body for burial. Luckily the day passed quickly enough and by the end of the evening meal both Richard and I were too tired to fight the fact that our belongings were transferred to our new rooms; Henry's and Mary's old Royal quarters.

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