Chapter 7 Lady Elisabeth

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When I walked back into the Great Hall my mother was, of course, waiting for me. She was ecstatic to say the least. It seems that she had received many words of congratulations. I looked around but could not find my father, future husband or the Duke. Silently I admired the decoration quickly installed between this midday and now.

With a hint of pride in her tone of voice my mother said, "If you are looking for your betrothed he is with the Duke and your father signing the marriage contract. It should not be long." She looked around the room trying to see who was watching her. "Think of all the joy your union will bring our family. We will be associated with the King. Finally you have done something I have asked of you. You will serve your purpose."

If there was something I disliked most was my mother's behavior. Though at times I was able to get her to talk of other subjects at this particular moment it was easier to not try or even respond to her comments; it would be useless. All I could do is stand there and act as if nothing happened and wait for my betrothed to come back to my side; his presence reassured me. In the meantime I received yet more praises. I hated the way they all now behaved towards me, I had value in their eyes. This is how things were now and I was not even yet married, what will they be once I would become Lady Brandon? I smiled politely, curtsied, or commented and thanked whenever it was needed.

The music started and there was still no sign of the men and numerous coupes gather to begin the dance. I watched in silence admiring their techniques and their poise. Was he a good dancer? Did he like to dance? I imagined myself taken by the hand towards the center and be lifted in the air by his strong arms. I would feel his hands on my waist, on my back...

"Would you like to dance, My Lady?" Richard's warm breath tickled my ear bringing me back for my daydreaming.

I faced him and curtsied taking his offered hand with a great smile on my lips. "Yes, My Lord. I would like that very much. Thank you."

We danced for some time without a word mentioned between us. I was expecting him to inform me of what was said and agreed between them. I held my tongue as long as I could, but my curiosity got a hold of me and I asked, "I imagine things went well with your meeting with my father?"

Lord Brandon just smiled at me and kept dancing around the room.

"Am I to guess or are you willing to tell me?"

He chuckled softly. "All went well, very well in deed. It has been signed and we are officially betrothed. Both our fathers are very happy of the outcome. I believe you will be very pleased with the money that will be at your disposal. Come let us have something to drink or are you hungry?"

"To be honest, I am both." Throughout the rest of the night we kept mostly to ourselves talking and walking. Before I knew it he was walking me to my chambers. Coming in front of my chamber door we stopped, he turned to face me still holding my hands. He released them and gently cupped my face and with his thumb caressed my cheek leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Pulling away I could not help but to blush. With the taste of his lips still on mine I turned and walked into my room.

The next morning when coming out of my rooms for the morning meal, Lord Brandon was waiting for me. If he did not know my feelings for me he knew now for he could see very clearly the surprise on my face and the joy his presence brought me. I wondered how long had he been waiting for me.

"I was told that you will be leaving right after the noon meal and since we will not see each other for at least a week I thought we could walk down together."

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