Chapter 15 Lady Elisabeth Brandon

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I watched him leave my rooms, but all I really wanted is for him to stay. My heart and breathing was still affected by the kiss we had just shared. A small sound left my mouth before I could stop it.

"Do not go." Was that me, did I really just ask him to stay?

He slowly turned back to me and with a new look I had never seen from him. He walked slowly back to me and I felt my heart race faster as he grew closer. When he was just about as close as two people could get he took my hands in his and said, "What was that, My Lady?"

"I...I...Do not go."

"You wish for me to stay with you... a little longer?" Richard placed a wayward strand of my hair behind my ear.

"No...Yes...I mean...I want you to stay...with me...tonight." I stuttered trying to swallow.

When placed my hands upon his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist I buried my face in his chest smelling his scent. His strong hands caressed my back while he gently laid soft kisses on my head.

"I would like that very much, Elisabeth. But where would you like to sleep?"

I blushed and with some difficulty I was able to find my words, "Could we try your room tonight?" The words were not completely out of my mouth that he was releasing me, from a very comfortable embrace, and moving towards his chambers again. "You are leaving?" I asked scared of his response.

"Oh dear Elisabeth," He said taking a few steps in my direction. "I am only going to let Winthrop know of tonight's sleeping arrangements. And while I am in my room you may need time to prepare yourself." He caressed my face leaned in and placed his lips against mine. Breaking the kiss, but barely removing his lips form mine he said, "Come to me when you are ready. I will be waiting for you." He kissed me once more and left me there without another word exchanged between us.

Feeling a little light headed I sat, there, where he left me...on the floor. I was not sure if I was able to stand. When I finally took all my courage in both hands I stood and found my breath was still short and my legs were a bit shaky. Walking slowly towards the bed I held onto whatever furniture I was able to find in my way for some support. When I arrived to my bed I was able to finally stand straight without assistance. I rang for Lillian and with her help, which I so desperately needed, I was able to undress, wash and dress into a very comfortable white matching gown and robe. My hair was let down.

Looking into the mirror I took a big breath before turning to slowly walk to my husband's rooms. When I reached the door, put a hand on the knob and took a big breath before opening the door. Scared of what was awaiting on the other side of the door I counted to three and I turned the knob to open the door. As I walked into the room I looked around his room and found him looking out the window wearing his robe. He did not hear me walk behind him. I slowly placed my hand on his arm.

Startled by my presence he turned to face me and he immediately wrapped me in his arms bringing me tightly against his body. "You are shivering, are you cold Elisabeth?" Not waiting for an answer he took me towards the settee in front of the burning fire and he placed the thick blanket on my lap, making sure I was warm enough. "Is that better?"

"Yes, much better thank you, but I was not cold." I leaned further into his strong arms. I like the feeling of protection, reassurance, and love they gave me. He held on me tightly as his hand caressed my arm. He kissed my hair and I nestled in deeper into him.

"This is the first time I have seen you with your hair down. Why do you always wear it up?"

"I...I... it is easier to manage when it is up. It gets tangled very easily, but at night I like to have it down."

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