Chapter 10 Lord Richard Brandon

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The ride to the Carrington manor was harder than I had expected. Though a three hour coach ride with good commodities is easily done, with little sleep and much drinking, I could not wait for the trip to end. A queasy feeling in my stomach and a headache were my two sole companions throughout the whole ride.

Finally after four hours, we had to stop several times so that my stomach could be relieved, we arrived at Carrington Park. I ventured to look out the window and saw behind Lord & Lady Durham my wife to be... Elisabeth. She is as beautiful as I had remembered. One more week and I will be able to take her home.

Seeing her look shyly my way all I wanted to do is run to her bring her into my arms and kiss those inviting lips, but I knew better than to do so. I respectfully greeted her parents and walked directly to her. Took her hand into my brought it to my heart and cupped her face. God those lips what I would give to feel them. Then I saw her bruised cheek. If I could rip her mother's dead heart and show it to her I would, but it will do no good all I will do is soil my hands and waste my time.

For the next two hours I visited the manor and Elisabeth was my guide. We saw each room even her own, after requesting it of her. There I saw yet another example of the kind of relationship this beautiful woman had with her mother. The more I got to know them the more I loved one and hated the other.

After the evening meal I took her to her chambers and I could not help, but to lean down and kiss her lips. The more I kissed her the more her lips were inviting. Then after sometime she was kissed me back. She pulled me into her when I tried to pull away. I wrapped my hands around her waist bringing her closer to me while she wrapped her arms around my neck and her hands played with my hair. I acted on her demand, she had all the control. If she wished for it to stop she had better requested now. I do not know how much more I could take. Seeing that she was not yet ready to stop and my discomfort growing between my legs I had to pull away from her. Her eyes were filled with lust and we were both out of breath. Before I knew it she curtsied, turned and walked into her chambers. This was the second time she had run away from me. What had frightened her? Damn this. I said to myself and opening her door and walked in. I found her in the arms of Lillian.

Lilian upon seeing me whispered to her and before leaving she curtsied towards me. She had her back to me. I walked up from behind her and gently turned her to face me.

"You must stop running from me Elisabeth. I have told you once before that you should not fear me and that you may speak to me freely. May I ask what is wrong? Have I done something to disturb you?"

I could see that she was having trouble looking at me and finding the right words to say to me. Then I heard her voice say to me, "When you pulled away from me I thought I had done something wrong and then I saw behind you my mother looking at us. I felt so ashamed, please do not leave me...I...promise I will behave better, but please..."

I could not let her continue and I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. She moaned lightly into my mouth as I teased her lips with my tongue. She finally parted her lips and let me in. I felt her body relax in my arms and somehow I found all my strength to pull away from her. "You have done nothing wrong. We have done nothing wrong. I quite enjoyed you taking the initiative and hope that in the future you will do so as often as you like. As for your mother, she should not be spying on us. We are to wed and if we decide to have some time together that is our problem. In a week you and I will be one and no matter what she says or does will make me change my mind. What in god's name made you think that I would ever leave you? I vow to you right here right now: I will be by your side through my dying breath, there's not a thing I would do for you. As long as I live you will not know a day of heartache, this I promise you. Do you understand now?"

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