Chapter 27 Lord Richard Brandon

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Once I saw Elisabeth disappear through the doors of the Great Hall I was asked questions that I did my best to answer.

Lord Stafford, my mother asked very timidly, "Do you know...if...she...was..."

"Violated?" My eyes on my hands I answered. "I am...positive...that she has not been touched."

My father with a worried look on his face asked, "How do you know, my son?"

"First she told me so and secondly Lady Essex and her mother were kind enough to confirm it when they helped heal her wounds. Elisabeth does not retreat from me when I touch her and she even asks me to be at her side."

"Do you mean to say that she asks to share..."

"Let me explain...we share our bed together, but we have not had any relations. I dare not touch her. You have not seen her wounds." They all looked at me as I quietly held sob. "The way she looked when we were able to finally barge into that dungeon. I think I speak for all that were there when I say that she looked...lifeless. I had thought at one moment, when she was finally in my arms, that I had lost her." Taking a big breath I wiped my tears before I could continue, "She was so cold and it took some time to get her to react to our voices."

My father came to my side and posed a hand on my shoulder. I turned towards his eyes when he said, "Let go here with us. She must not see you this way for she will need your strength now more than ever. You did good son. She is home and now the healing can start. Just be patient with her."

"I thought I had lost her. I dare not imagine what my life would be without her." I turned towards Elisabeth's father and kneeled before him. "I beg your forgiveness. I was not able to protect her. I promise you this dear father, that I will make sure the rest of her life is full of joy. I cannot bear her tears."

"Richard, this is not your fault. You did what had to be done and you went to Essex, fought with honor, and brought back your wife, our daughter home. There is nothing to forgive for you have done nothing wrong. I do not doubt that you will make Elisabeth very happy. I see the love you have for her. Yes, we have all noticed that you dearly love her if not you would not be this distraught. But I must agree with your father. Here within these walls at this moment you may say and do what you need to release your pain, but as soon as Elisabeth is back by your side you should be the strong man that she so needs now. One day you will be able to talk to her of all that has transpired.

"Now I believe we all need a drink and let us toast to having Elisabeth back with us and that she may recover soon."

I looked over to the door and saw my mother wipe her tears. She gently smiled and walked my way placing a soft hand on my cheek. "She is with Lillian, give her some time, let her find her marks gain and get reacquainted with her surroundings. She needs time. I know you love her..."

"Does everyone know? Is it so obvious?"

"Ye it is. And if everyone watches you the way I do they would be able to see the way you look at her, the way you hold her hand or even the way you talk about her. There is this tenderness in the way you do those things, but do not fret my love, she loves you too."

"She has become so much a part of my life in so little time. I do not even know when it happened. I just knew that from the first moment I met her I needed to be with her and protect her. I guess I have failed her once, but I will nnot fail her again."

She brought me to her embrace and reassured me that I had done nothing wrong. "I am proud of you Richard. I might not have given birth to you but you are my son and I know your heart. I raised you as my own as I raised your father. You are truly your father's son. He would have been so proud of you. And for that same reason I will not permit you to say that you have failed Elisabeth.

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