Chapter 41 Lord Richard Brandon

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Slowly she turned her head towards me and found my eyes looking into hers. Reaching out to touch her face and remove the strands of hair clinging on her damp skin I gently said, "Are you well, my love? Did I hurt you?" My touch brought shivers through her body and she could not help but smile at my tender administrations.

"I was surprised, but do not worry you did not hurt me. I must admit it has been like nothing we have yet experienced together...and...and I quite liked it." She said blushing.

"I am pleased that you did." I rubbed my thumb on her lips. "You do not know how I ache to have you, like this, every waking moment of the day." She looked at me with surprise. "Please do not be alarmed, my dear, it is the farthest thing in my mind to cause you fright. In so little time that you and I have wed, I have found that all my life I have ever wanted was to have someone like you in it; to share the pain and the joy. There are things that we have yet discussed, but I feel they need to be done. It may not be the right place yet it feels it is the right moment." I sat up crossing my legs and watching her bright eyes look at me.

"I have always thought myself fortunate of my destiny, but it was only when I met you that I realized that my destiny was incomplete. I spoke with you but a few moments and though I had not spoken to the other young maidens awaiting my favors, I knew without a doubt that you were the one.

"When you were taken away from me by Essex..." I swallowed the bile. "I thought I would be taken by madness. Then by the miracle from the heavens above I found you again. I know there are things you have not mentioned of the horror that was inflicted upon you...I will wait all the time in the world, if I have to, to hear about it, if you should wish it."

Elisabeth had by then sat up letting the bed sheets fall to her waist revealing her ample bosom. With tears in her eyes she looked up at me and quietly she said, "I do not know what has brought all this to light, but know that with all that has transpired, neither Essex nor Agustin defiled me. It was a horrific moment in my life that with time it will pass as well as my scars, but you must know that there are times that you are not aware how much I want to break down and cry, yet I do not for if I do I will not be able to stop.

"You are correct in saying that it is not the place, but I believe it is not the right time and I feel that there will never be a right moment or place to truly discuss this.

"I love you and I am afraid that with the knowledge of every single detail of what I went through you might not...feel...the same towards me."

I took her hands in mine and before I was able to say something she continued, "Please let me say it for I will never have the courage to do so again.

"From the moment Essex's son took me I was beaten. He was in such a rage that I truly believed he was to kill me before we arrived wherever he was taking me."

For the next hour or so she went and explained to me in horrific detail of all that Essex and especially Agostin had done on her body. At one point she stood from our bed and walked the room form one end to the other explaining to me their torture upon her. She walked nakedly and explained how each scar was done. I wanted to stop her, but I dared not. As much as I need her to stop I needed to hear it and she needed to say it.

When at last her words stopped coming she fell to her knees and cried. I ran to her and held her tightly trying to sooth her distress and mine. I pulled her slowly from my arms and placed my hands on either side of her face removing her hair from her eyes. Her tears continued to flow and I searched for her within them.

With a whisper she asked, "Do you still love me?"

"You would think I would stop loving you?" I did not wait for her answer. "If it were ever possible I only can love you more."

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