Chapter 10 Lord Richard Brandon

Start from the beginning

Her tears fled her eyes, but the sadness flew with them and I was able to see something new. And I was mesmerized by the intensity they showed me. Then with a small smile she nodded. When I thought she was calm and serene I left her rooms. I walked back to mine and luckily Winthrop had left a small glass of wine on the table near the chair where she sat earlier. I took the warm liquid to my lips and let it lightly go down my throat. It did not take me long to slip into my bed.

The next morning I met her in her rooms and ministered the ointment on her lovely face, but I found a new cut on her lip. I said nothing? I knew very well where it came from and I saw no point in disturbing her more than she already was. I just hope I will never see her place a hand on Elisabeth in my presence.

We went ridding and she started out ridding side saddle on Millie, but in the middle of the park a man approached us, she dismounted and ran to him with a big smile, through her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. I did not wait long and jumped off my own horse walking quickly to them when she turned towards me and said, "My Lord, let me have the honor of introducing to you my brother William. William this is Lord Richard Brandon, my husband to be."

A feeling of relief invaded me I was ready to rip this man's head, but now knowing that he was Elisabeth' brother it made me feel like a foolish jealous boy. I shook his hand and we talked together for some time. It took me not long to know why he was her favorite and how much we were alike. Like me he said little but when he needed to be heard he was.

"You do us an honor My Lord in choosing our dear girl for wife. She is an extraordinary woman. I imagine she has mentioned to you that she is an avid horsewoman?" I nodded. "Good and what about her sword playing, have you had the chance to bout against her?"

"I have not had the honor, but your father did mentioned that she made your older brother fall to his knees."

"Yes he did and Henry was the best out of all of us. He always believed that no matter our sex we should learn the art of a sword fighting. It was an amazing bout to see. Elisabeth with her tiny disposition flew through his attacks and she would counterattack with this powerful femininity that only she could possess. Then he caught him off guard and took the sword in both hands and attacked him giving all her strength until he fell to his knees. We were all surprised at how this little creature could be as powerful as our brother. Better than our brother.

"Each week we would take turns against her but she beat every one of us at the exception of George. While we were all attacking her he watched and he studied her skills and found her fault... her gown. When it was his turn in one single move he put her on the ground. The next day she wanted her revenge and when George agreed, she surprised us all when she came wearing men's clothing and as she was able to beat George. She was but 14 years old at the time.

"Since Henry's death we have not had the chance to fight like that, but we still practice."

All too soon we were heading back to the manor and halfway there we retrieved Millie. Luckily the exchanged was done outside of the domain for when reaching the stables Lady Durham was waiting for us.

"My Lord, I hope you Elisabeth has been a very effective hostess to you?"

"She has Lady Durham. Since my arrival Lady Ashton has made me quite at home. She has been the perfect hostess, thank you for your concern, but as long as I have her by my side I cannot find better company. If you will excuses us it is almost time for this evenings meal and I believe we would both would like to freshen up."

We left her mother gapping at us and as we walked away I was still holding Elisabeth by her waist.

"You sir are cruel towards her." She said with some little humor in her voice.

"I am not cruel, Elisabeth I am only given her what she has given you, nothing more nothing less."

We were disturbed by one of the manor's servants that announced the arrival of my parents. Though they had arrived earlier than expected I was very glad to see them none the less. With their presence the time left before my wedding might be easier. I know mother would make sure Lady Durham would not interfere with my relationship with Elisabeth.

We had not yet arrived at the main door that my parents walked through. Immediately my mother wrapped her arms around me and I gently leaned in to her giving her a kiss on the cheek. When we parted my father came forward and greeted me as he has always done by wrapping his arms around me.

"It is good to see you Richard. You are looking well sweetheart."

"I am glad you are here mother, both of you." I gestured them forward though the hall.

"Lord and Lady Stafford!" Elisabeth curtsied and continued, "How good to have you here with us. Please excuse me for not greeting you upon your arrival, but hearing of your company, I notified our staff to get your rooms ready for you."

My father stepped forward and bowing he took Elisabeth's hand in his bestowing a kiss on the back of it. "Ah My Lady Ashton it is an honor to be here in your presence. It is so kind of you to think of us so quickly. You will be a great mistress to our home."

She smiled gently up at him and sweetly blushed, "I hope I will do your family and home honor. If you would be so kind as to follow me I will take you to the main hall where refreshments are awaiting for you."

We had walked but two steps when in came Lord and Lady Durham with the latter screeching her welcome to my parents. She pushed Elisabeth to the side and did not even address an apology. Lady Durham found nothing better than to criticize her daughter for not informing them of Lord and Lady Stafford's arrival.

She took Elisabeth by the elbow and whispered harshly in to her ear thinking no one could hear, but seeing my parents' wide eyes I knew they heard the same words as I had.

"I imagine that you forgot to order refreshments four our guest. I sometimes wonder what made his Lordship seek you out above all the others."

Elisabeth said nothing and I was just about to say something when my mother stepped in, slid her arm through Elisabeth's and said looking at Lady Durham, "You are mistaken My Lady your daughter has been a very gracious hostess and we could not be more proud to have her as our future daughter. Come dearest show me the way for I am of need to of some substance before we are taken to our rooms." Throwing a look over her shoulder, my mother said to Lady Durham, "And no need to say a word your Ladyship I believe Elisabeth has done her duty and has made sure our rooms were readied."

I smiled at my mother and she winked back at me. For the rest of the after we sat around the fire and comfortably amongst ourselves in my parents chambers. Before taking myself to my own room I walked towards Elisabeth's rooms and spread the ointment on her cheek.

"I would like to apologize for my mother's actions and words."

Looking at her directly into her eyes I said that there was no need to apologize and if there were a person that need to was, Lady Durham. She explained that it would not come to pass, for her mother felt was never wrong.

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