Chapter 1 Lady Elisabeth Ashton

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My mother's, Lady Violet Durham, screeching voice could be heard calling out my name throughout the manor. It could only be imagined that somehow I had done yet again something to displease her and Her Ladyship was coming to let me know, and let it be known. The Duchess's voice came louder as she would approach my chambers. I imagined the reaction of our staff as she screamed and yelled for me. When I could hear her just outside of my room, I gave up my reading, stood and waited for her Ladyship to enter the room. Sure enough she came barging in without so much as a knock. The door crashed against the wall behind it making those around even myself jump from the loud noise. I curtsied acknowledging my mother's presence and quietly waited with my eyes on her and hands clasped before me.

"There you are. Did you not hear me calling for you? Well never mind. You my dear daughter are a very lucky girl." She looked around the room inspecting it and as if she was searching for something.

"Why is that, mother?" My eyes followed my mother's every move. I personally did not find a thing out of place, quite the opposite everything was where it should be, the way I liked it, but to my mother's standards it was never the case. What was there that was so important for her to come searching for me she never comes this way, I thought.

"If all goes well you will marry the son and heir of a very wealthy duke. Your father has received confirmation this morning form the Duke of Stafford and they are expecting us by night fall this very night."

I could not believe my ears, but tried to hide my fear of her words and with all the courage I could gather I asked her, "What do you mean if all goes well? But, mother, I am only 16 surely I am too young for..."

"Yes, Yes. This is why I have been looking for you. We are to leave later in the day. We must hurry. I was not much older than you when I married your father. So we need to get the trunks and start packing. Now where is Lillian?"

Why am I not surprised? She never listens to me. I have learned that it is useless for me to state an opinion especially when she is so set on her own opinions and desires.

"I will call her. We will start packing right away." I said while pulling on the chord.

"I will help you pack you do not know what you will need. You know nothing of these things."

"I am glad that you will be here to help."

But all that I truly wished for was to be alone and think of the news I had been given. My mother's presence was not helping my need to prepare myself for the trip. My life was about to change and there was nothing I could do about it. Luckily Lillian walked in and the ambiance changed lightly.

"Good Lillian, finally you are here. Get the trunks out and start packing for two nights. Lady Ashton is to be married."

"Is that right Your Grace? Congratulations Lady Elisabeth." Lillian stated going on with her work discretely as always. That is one thing you most definitely could say about Lillian, she would state what is needed and go on as if nothing. One of the little things I dearly appreciated of Lillian.

"I thought it was not yet settled."

"Yes, yes. That's all right, but we need to get things going." As always Her Ladyship would say or do as she pleases. Giving enough information or in this case none at all.

"So it has been settled? If I am to be married do I not need to pack all my belongings?" I looked at my mother waiting for some kind of answer.

"No child, have you not been listening to me? I have told you that you need to pack for two days."

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