The gang made their way through the cave, further than most trainers would go. Squishy lead them down tunnels where the ceiling was so low they were forced to crawl on the ground, some so narrow the had to walk single file, and even climb down ledges. Soon enough they arrived at a narrow hole in the ground, Squishy bounced to the edge and looked back at the others. "Thank you for taking me this far, the rest of the way I will go alone," Squishy said as he then jumped down into the hole. "Squishy wait," Bonnie cried as she and the others ran to the opening. "I can't see him, we need to go after him," Bonnie said as she looked down the hole. "Bonnie its too narrow for us to climb down, and besides he said this was his home. I'm sure he'll be ok," Clemont said trying to comfort her. "I know, but I've got this feeling something bad is going to happen," Bonnie said sounding nervous. Ash was looking around the area and saw a good spot to take a seat and wait. As he was walking over he suddenly heard a crinkling noise from under his shoe, he moved his foot and saw a protein bar wrapper. "Guys, I think Bonnie's concern is warranted," Ash said as he picked up the wrapper and showed it to the others. "It might be nothing, but I doubt many trainers come this far in," stated Ash. "Do you think team flare was here," asked Serena. "I'm not sure, but I'd feel better if we were keeping an eye on Squishy now," said Ash. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Noibat, I choose you," said Ash as he released his adopted Pokemon child. "I need you to use super sonic to help find us a tunnel so we can find Squishy." Noibat nodded and began to use super sonic, as Clemont released Luxray to help look, and Ash and Bonnie joined in to help using their aura. Soon they found a tunnel and ran in. Outside the cave, hidden from view, inside a team flare truck, "ma'ams Z1 is in Terminus Cave." "I guess you were right to keep an eye on Terminus Cave Bryony," a purple haired woman said reluctantly. Bryony smirked smugly, "thank you Celosia. Everyone let's go, Z1 is ours."

Deeper in the cave Squishy jumped into the spring, causing it to glow as his body was healed and his strength restored. Now with his strength restored he could finally do what before he couldn't, contact his brother. "Hello, brother, are you well," Squishy asked through telepathy. "I am fine. I'm happy to see you were able to escape team flare," Z2 replied back. "It wasn't easy, but while I was their prisoner I learned that they can track us through our telepathy. You must leave now before they catch you," Squishy urged. "I will, but what of you? I can tell you are at the spring, they will find you," replied Z2. "I will be fine, I am traveling with the chosen one," Squishy explained. "What?! Are you serious," Z2 replied sounding shocked. "Yes." "Squishy." Squishy turned and saw Bonnie and the others running in. "I must go now, run," with that Squishy ended communication with Z2.

Squishy looked back at the gang, confused why they came all the way down there. "Squishy, we saw proof that made us believe team flare has been here. We came to make sure your ok, and that you stay that way," said Ash. Squishy became nervous by this new information and connected with several cells throughout the cave. His eye widened and he looked to the gang, "they are here," he told them, although only Bonnie and Ash understood, he then used his camouflage and disappeared. "Squishy," Bonnie says as she starts to walk into the water. Just then a series of pin missles hit around the gang, one almost hitting Bonnie, however she was able to put up an Aura barrier at the last second. This went unnoticed by everyone, as it dissipated before the smoke cleared, except for Ash who felt her use the aura. Once the smoke cleared and the gang saw Bonnie was ok everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for Ash, who wondered how she didn't even look tired, considering she wasn't strong enough to do that without showing a degree of fatigue. Everyone looked in the direction of the attack and saw two team flare officers, along with eight grunts. "Nobody move," Celosia yelled. Pikachu jumped in front of everyone with his cheeks sparking ready to fight back. "I don't think so, Drapion sludge bombs," Celosia yelled. Drapion fires a series of sludge bombs in a line in front of the gang. "That was your only warning. Try anything to get in our way and you're all targets," Celosia threatened. The gang was taken back slightly by the threat, while the Pokemon clenched their teeth, ready to make team flare pay for that threat, but held back, knowing that they were out numbered, there was a chance they could follow through with that threat.

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