Chapter 37

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Authors notes:
Well here we are again with another chapter. Lately I've had a bunch of people ask me when my next chapter will be up. My plan is to update every Friday, at worst it could be every other Friday as I've been having trouble completing chapters on time lately. I have had to use my already completed chapters so I could keep my update schedule, leaving me working on next week's chapter now.
Well since I have nothing else of importance to say so let's cut to the chase. If you like my work please vote, please comment, and share this story with your friends. I now present to you, Chapter 37. Enjoy.

Ash was sitting in the monument angry, but not at Serena, at himself. "I need to go apologise, I'll be back," Ash told Hanzo. "Unless your apology will be you explaining your issue to her, don't bother," Hanzo said to Ash. Ash stopped at the door and looked back, "what are you talking about, I don't have any issues." Hanzo chuckled, "Young man I am one hundred and eight years old, and have been chief for eighty years. I see the look in your eyes, I've seen it many times in myself, ninjas I've sent on missions, and opponents I've faced in battle. You are afraid." "Your crazy, I'm not afraid," Ash said with an annoyed tone. "Really, then why does me saying it bother you." Ash just stood there without a response. Hanzo continued, "you know, you would make a great leader. You have all the traits, confident, strong, intelligent. Even the negative one, you carry the burden of leadership alone, you don't rely on others strength. This is an acceptable trait if your alone, but your not. That young woman, your fiance, she loves you so much, and you obviously love her. The problem is you are supposed to be a team, but you don't let her. You see yourself as a protector, and you are trying to protect her from the world." "You don't know what your talking about," Ash replied angrily. "Really. Allow me to impart upon you over eighty years of marriage wisdom. I used to be just like you, I carried the burdens of leadership alone, I built walls around myself. No body knew about my troubles, not even my wife. Eventually she had enough and tried to leave me. Luckily that was the breaking point for me as I finally let her in. I broke down to my knees and told her all the pain I held in. She stayed after that, and she made me better, I shared with her and we carried the pain together. It saved our marriage." Ash stood there quietly listening, letting his words resonate within him, he didn't want to even risk losing Serena. Hanzo continued, "listen, I don't know your fears you hold inside, and you don't have to share with me. But if you truly love her, you need to talk with her about them." Hanzo got up and was about to leave when Ash stopped him with his words, "I am afraid." "Of what," Hanzo asked. "A few nights ago I received a vision from Darkari. It was a vision of a possible future from Dialgia. It showed the destruction of Lumiose City, there was so much death. Then I saw all of them, dead. The sight of Serena dead hurt more than anything," Ash replied as he clenched his fists and tears started to escape his eyes. Hanzo stood there in shock of what he just heard. "That's why you want to know more about Greninja, to master the transformation so you can protect everyone," Hanzo said, understanding Ash now. Ash nodded. "Another word of wisdom, you can't protect everyone," said Hanzo, causing Ash to shoot his eyes at him. "Nobody can protect everyone. But what you can do is protect one person, and if you protect everyone else in the process, then that's just extra." Hanzo then walked over to one of the walls and hit it, causing one of the boards to become raised. Hanzo then removed the board, reached in, and pulled something out. He then replaced the board and walked over to Ash and handed him a small book. It was obviously very old, with a leather cover and binding. "This is the journal of the Greninja's trainer. In here is everything you'll need to help you understand the transformation." Ash picked up the journal and looked at it, "thank you." "Your welcome, it's yours now, we have no use for it. I just needed to make sure you were truly a good person and capable of using this information before I gave it to you," Hanzo explained. Just then Shinobu burst through the door, causing both Hanzo and Ash to turn and look at her. "Ash, your friends, Kagetomo took them prisoner, he said he will be waiting for you in the center of the village," Shinobu said, breathing heavally from running to them.

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